postgresql-simple 中的嵌套数据类型
Nested data types in postgresql-simple
data Coord = Coord { lat :: Float
, lon :: Float
instance FromRow Coord where
fromRow = Coord
<$> field
<*> field
findSomePoints :: Connection -> Int -> IO [Coord]
findSomePoints = undefined
data Path = Path { name :: String
, points :: [Coord]
instance FromRow Path where
fromRow = Path
<$> field
<*> -- PROBLEM: would like to call something like `findSomePoints conn field` here...
findPath :: Connection -> Int -> IO Path
findPath = undefined
不幸的是,我不知道如何用查询组合数据类型(在我的例子中是 Path
和 Coord
我会为数据库中的每个 table 编写一个数据类型和一个 FromRow
实例,并将数据库代码与更改架构代码分开。 PathRow
和 [Coord]
是您可以直接从数据库中获取的内容。 makePath :: PathRow -> [Coord] -> Path
data Coord = Coord { lat :: Float
, lon :: Float
instance FromRow Coord where
fromRow = Coord
<$> field
<*> field
findSomePoints :: Connection -> Int -> IO [Coord]
findSomePoints = undefined
data Path = Path { name :: String
, points :: [Coord]
instance FromRow Path where
fromRow = Path
<$> field
<*> -- PROBLEM: would like to call something like `findSomePoints conn field` here...
findPath :: Connection -> Int -> IO Path
findPath = undefined
不幸的是,我不知道如何用查询组合数据类型(在我的例子中是 Path
和 Coord
我会为数据库中的每个 table 编写一个数据类型和一个 FromRow
实例,并将数据库代码与更改架构代码分开。 PathRow
和 [Coord]
是您可以直接从数据库中获取的内容。 makePath :: PathRow -> [Coord] -> Path