
No Instance(s) Found when Remotely getting a list of installed programs

所以每次我 运行 我的批处理文件时,我都会输入计算机名称,然后输入我要查找的程序。我添加了 "name like '(word)%'" 部分,因此不需要完全匹配即可找到程序。这是我的代码:

@echo off
set /p name="Enter PC Name: "
set /p prgm="Type Part of the Program Name: "
wmic /node:%name% product where "name like '%prgm%%'" get name,version
set /p fprgm="Enter Full Program Name: "
wmic /node:%name% product where name="%fprgm%" call uninstall

我不确定发生了什么,因为如果我手动进入 WMIC 并使用 /node:(pc-name) product where "name like '(word)%'" get name,version 进行搜索,它会起作用。

您需要 escape some characters with special meaning 才能按字面意思对待。

要将百分号 (%) 视为批处理脚本中的常规字符,将其加倍 (%%),如下例所示:

==>type 29951224.bat

set "name=localhost"
set "prgm=visual F"
wmic /node:%name% product where "name like '%prgm%%%'" get name,version


==>set "name=localhost"
==>set "prgm=visual F"
==>wmic /node:localhost product where "name like 'visual F%'" get name,version
Name               Version
Visual F# 3.1 SDK  12.0.21005
Visual F# 3.1 VS   12.0.21005
