
C Lock-Free Queue Memory Management

为了提高我的 C 技能,我实现了 thread-safe 和 lock-free queue。该算法来自 Maurice Herlihy 和 Nir ​​Shavit 的书 "The Art of Multiprocessor Programming" 的第 10.5 章,顺便说一句,这是一本很棒的书。



free(first) 行在 lfq_deq() 方法中被注释掉了,因为如果 queue 被多个 dequeue r 使用,它会导致段错误。如果线程 T1 和 T2 正在 dequeueing 并且 T1 释放节点而 T2 仍在使用它,则 T2 将产生段错误。

释放内存的优雅方式是什么?由于我不重用节点,所以我应该不会出现 ABA 问题,对吧?还是您认为,重用节点并实施 ABA 问题的已知解决方案更容易?



#pragma once
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Node {
    void* data;
    struct Node* next;
} lfq_node_t;

typedef struct Queue {
    lfq_node_t* head;
    lfq_node_t* tail;
} lfq_t;

lfq_t* lfq_new();
void lfq_free(lfq_t* q);
void lfq_enq(lfq_t* q, void* data);
void* lfq_deq(lfq_t* q);


#include "lfq.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define CAS(a, b, c) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(a, b, c)

lfq_t* lfq_new() {
    lfq_t* q = malloc(sizeof(*q));
    lfq_node_t* sentinel = malloc(sizeof(*sentinel));
    sentinel->data = sentinel->next = NULL;
    q->head = q->tail = sentinel;

    return q;

void lfq_free(lfq_t* q) {
    lfq_node_t *next, *node = q->head;
    while (node != NULL) {
        next = node->next;
        node = next;

void lfq_enq(lfq_t* q, void* data) {
    lfq_node_t *node, *last, *next;

    node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
    node->data = data;
    node->next = NULL;

    while (1) {
        last = q->tail;
        next = last->next;
        if (last == q->tail) {
            if (next == NULL) {
                if (CAS(&(last->next), next, node)) {
                    CAS(&(q->tail), last, node);
            } else {
                CAS(&(q->tail), last, next);

void* lfq_deq(lfq_t* q) {
    lfq_node_t *first, *last, *next;
    while (1) {
        first = q->head;
        last = q->tail;
        next = first->next;

        if (first == q->head) {
            if (first == last) {
                if (next == NULL) return NULL;
                CAS(&(q->tail), last, next);
            } else {
                void* data = first->next->data;
                if (CAS(&(q->head), first, next)) {
                    // free(first);
                    return data;



#include "lfq.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    lfq_t* q = lfq_new();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        printf("ENQ %i\n", values[i]);
        lfq_enq(q, &values[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) printf("DEQ %i\n", *(int*)lfq_deq(q));
    return 0;

正如 Peter Cordes 在他的评论中指出的那样,我刚刚发现了内存回收问题:

In contrast, memory reclamation is one of the most challenging aspects of lock-free data structure design. Lock-free algorithms (also called non-blocking algorithms) guarantee that as long as some process continues to take steps, eventually some process will complete an operation. The main difficulty in performing memory reclamation for a lock-free data structure is that a process can be sleeping while holding a pointer to an object that is about to be freed. Thus, carelessly freeing an object can cause a sleeping process to access freed memory when it wakes up, crashing the program or producing subtle errors. Since nodes are not locked, processes must coordinate to let each other know which nodes are safe to reclaim, and which might still be accessed.

Cited from "Reclaiming Memory for Lock-Free Data Structures: There has to be a Better Way" by Trevor Brown, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria


这看起来像 Michael 和 Scott 队列。

无法释放节点,我不记得确切的原因(显然是因为它们仍然可以被引用 - 但具体位置和方式我忘记了)。它们只能放在空闲列表中。


