如何阻止 VScode 记住已关闭文件的保存状态?

How do I stop VScode from remembering the saved state of closed files?

具体来说,我不想 vscode 记住我关闭的文件中的光标位置或代码折叠。我已经查看了所有设置,但似乎找不到它。

您正在寻找的功能是在 v.1.28.0 中添加的。参见 release notes: do not restore state

VS Code has always remembered the view state (cursor location, folded sections, etc.) of a file even after the file was closed. There is now a new setting workbench.editor.restoreViewState to drop this view state when a file is closed. This allows you to always start at the top of the file after reopening it.