未经管理员权限将调试器附加到本地 IIS

Attach debugger to local IIS without administrator permission

为了能够附加到 w3wp.exe Visual Studio 想要提升权限,所以我要么必须以管理员身份启动 VS,要么将我的本地用户添加到 Administrators 组。是否有任何其他方式,另一个组等,能够附加到 w3wp.exe 而无需 具有提升的权限?

Attach debugger to local IIS without administrator permission


根据 ASP.NET Debugging: System Requirements:

If you change the ASP.NET worker process to run under your own user account, you do not have to be an Administrator on the server that is running IIS

Using IIS with Visual Studio

Disadvantages of Using IIS as a Development Web Server Using IIS as a development server can require more setup and configuration tasks in order to work with Visual Studio than using IIS Express, including the following:

  • You must run Visual Studio as an administrator in order to work with IIS.


