Audit.NET EF 是否适用于 EF Core 2.1,特别是环境事务

Does Audit.NET EF work with EF Core 2.1, and specifically ambient transactions

刚刚偶然发现了这个库(EF 版本),看起来非常不错。只是想知道这目前是否与 EF Core 2.1 以及环境事务兼容。我看到有一个 onScopeCreated / onScopeSaving 来处理事务。如果涉及环境交易,这是否有必要?

Audit.NET / Audit.EntityFramework now supports EF Core 2.1 and ambient transactions. Please upgrade your references and re-test. If you're still having problems, please open a new issue.

版本 12.1.10 添加了支持