质心 Voronoi 镶嵌
Centroidal Voronoi tessellation
我正在尝试使用 scipy 包构建有界 Voronoi 图,并且在每次迭代中我计算 Voronoi 单元的质心并向质心移动一点说一些增量并重新计算 Voronoi 图更新生成点。当我尝试绘制更新的点时,我得到一个奇怪的错误,因为我绘制的点不在预期的位置。
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.spatial
import sys
eps = sys.float_info.epsilon
n_robots = 10
robots = np.random.rand(n_robots, 2)
bounding_box = np.array([0., 1., 0., 1.])
def in_box(robots, bounding_box):
return np.logical_and(np.logical_and(bounding_box[0] <= robots[:, 0],
robots[:, 0] <= bounding_box[1]),
np.logical_and(bounding_box[2] <= robots[:, 1],
robots[:, 1] <= bounding_box[3]))
def voronoi(robots, bounding_box):
i = in_box(robots, bounding_box)
points_center = robots[i, :]
points_left = np.copy(points_center)
points_left[:, 0] = bounding_box[0] - (points_left[:, 0] - bounding_box[0])
points_right = np.copy(points_center)
points_right[:, 0] = bounding_box[1] + (bounding_box[1] - points_right[:, 0])
points_down = np.copy(points_center)
points_down[:, 1] = bounding_box[2] - (points_down[:, 1] - bounding_box[2])
points_up = np.copy(points_center)
points_up[:, 1] = bounding_box[3] + (bounding_box[3] - points_up[:, 1])
points = np.append(points_center,
# Compute Voronoi
vor = sp.spatial.Voronoi(points)
# Filter regions
regions = []
ind = np.arange(points.shape[0])
ind = np.expand_dims(ind,axis= 1)
for region in vor.regions:
flag = True
for index in region:
if index == -1:
flag = False
x = vor.vertices[index, 0]
y = vor.vertices[index, 1]
if not(bounding_box[0] - eps <= x and x <= bounding_box[1] + eps and
bounding_box[2] - eps <= y and y <= bounding_box[3] + eps):
flag = False
if region != [] and flag:
vor.filtered_points = points_center
vor.filtered_regions = regions
return vor
def centroid_region(vertices):
A = 0
C_x = 0
C_y = 0
for i in range(0, len(vertices) - 1):
s = (vertices[i, 0] * vertices[i + 1, 1] - vertices[i + 1, 0] * vertices[i, 1])
A = A + s
C_x = C_x + (vertices[i, 0] + vertices[i + 1, 0]) * s
C_y = C_y + (vertices[i, 1] + vertices[i + 1, 1]) * s
A = 0.5 * A
C_x = (1.0 / (6.0 * A)) * C_x
C_y = (1.0 / (6.0 * A)) * C_y
return np.array([[C_x, C_y]])
def plot(r,index):
vor = voronoi(r, bounding_box)
fig = pl.figure()
ax = fig.gca()
# Plot initial points
ax.plot(vor.filtered_points[:, 0], vor.filtered_points[:, 1], 'b.')
# Plot ridges points
for region in vor.filtered_regions:
vertices = vor.vertices[region, :]
ax.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'go')
# Plot ridges
for region in vor.filtered_regions:
vertices = vor.vertices[region + [region[0]], :]
ax.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'k-')
# Compute and plot centroids
centroids = []
for region in vor.filtered_regions:
vertices = vor.vertices[region + [region[0]], :]
centroid = centroid_region(vertices)
centroids.append(list(centroid[0, :]))
ax.plot(centroid[:, 0], centroid[:, 1], 'r.')
centroids = np.asarray(centroids)
rob = np.copy(vor.filtered_points)
# the below code is for the plotting purpose the update happens in the update function
interim_x = np.asarray(centroids[:,0] - rob[:,0])
interim_y = np.asarray(centroids[:,1] - rob[:,1])
magn = [np.linalg.norm(centroids[i,:] - rob[i,:]) for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
x = np.copy(interim_x)
x = np.asarray([interim_x[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_x.shape[0])])
y = np.copy(interim_y)
y = np.asarray([interim_y[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_y.shape[0])])
nor = np.copy(rob)
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
nor[i,0] = x[i]
nor[i,1] = y[i]
temp = np.copy(rob)
temp[:,0] = [rob[i,0] + 0.5*interim_x[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
temp[:,1] = [rob[i,1] + 0.5*interim_y[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
ax.plot(temp[:,0] ,temp[:,1], 'y.' )
ax.set_xlim([-0.1, 1.1])
ax.set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1])
pl.savefig("voronoi" + str(index) + ".png")
return centroids
def update(rob,centroids):
interim_x = np.asarray(centroids[:,0] - rob[:,0])
interim_y = np.asarray(centroids[:,1] - rob[:,1])
magn = [np.linalg.norm(centroids[i,:] - rob[i,:]) for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
x = np.copy(interim_x)
x = np.asarray([interim_x[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_x.shape[0])])
y = np.copy(interim_y)
y = np.asarray([interim_y[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_y.shape[0])])
nor = [np.linalg.norm([x[i],y[i]]) for i in range(x.shape[0])]
temp = np.copy(rob)
temp[:,0] = [rob[i,0] + 0.5*interim_x[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
temp[:,1] = [rob[i,1] + 0.5*interim_y[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
return np.asarray(temp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in range(1):
centroids = plot(robots,i)
robots = update(robots,centroids)
问题是当你的 points
被输入到 Voronoi
时,在镶嵌构造的过程中膨胀了,当你稍后过滤掉它们时,点的顺序是错误的。因此,当您在 voronoi()
中设置 vor.filtered_points = points_center
解决方法很简单:在过滤区域并找到要保留的区域时,您需要收集落在相应区域内的点。您可以通过将 vor.points
匹配到 vor.point_region
并找到相应的区域来完成此操作,为此您需要 enumerate
您的 regions
# Compute Voronoi
vor = sp.spatial.Voronoi(points)
# Filter regions and select corresponding points
regions = []
points_to_filter = [] # we'll need to gather points too
ind = np.arange(points.shape[0])
ind = np.expand_dims(ind,axis= 1)
for i,region in enumerate(vor.regions): # enumerate the regions
if not region: # nicer to skip the empty region altogether
flag = True
for index in region:
if index == -1:
flag = False
x = vor.vertices[index, 0]
y = vor.vertices[index, 1]
if not(bounding_box[0] - eps <= x and x <= bounding_box[1] + eps and
bounding_box[2] - eps <= y and y <= bounding_box[3] + eps):
flag = False
if flag:
# find the point which lies inside
points_to_filter.append(vor.points[vor.point_region == i][0,:])
vor.filtered_points = np.array(points_to_filter)
vor.filtered_regions = regions
我正在尝试使用 scipy 包构建有界 Voronoi 图,并且在每次迭代中我计算 Voronoi 单元的质心并向质心移动一点说一些增量并重新计算 Voronoi 图更新生成点。当我尝试绘制更新的点时,我得到一个奇怪的错误,因为我绘制的点不在预期的位置。 这是代码
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.spatial
import sys
eps = sys.float_info.epsilon
n_robots = 10
robots = np.random.rand(n_robots, 2)
bounding_box = np.array([0., 1., 0., 1.])
def in_box(robots, bounding_box):
return np.logical_and(np.logical_and(bounding_box[0] <= robots[:, 0],
robots[:, 0] <= bounding_box[1]),
np.logical_and(bounding_box[2] <= robots[:, 1],
robots[:, 1] <= bounding_box[3]))
def voronoi(robots, bounding_box):
i = in_box(robots, bounding_box)
points_center = robots[i, :]
points_left = np.copy(points_center)
points_left[:, 0] = bounding_box[0] - (points_left[:, 0] - bounding_box[0])
points_right = np.copy(points_center)
points_right[:, 0] = bounding_box[1] + (bounding_box[1] - points_right[:, 0])
points_down = np.copy(points_center)
points_down[:, 1] = bounding_box[2] - (points_down[:, 1] - bounding_box[2])
points_up = np.copy(points_center)
points_up[:, 1] = bounding_box[3] + (bounding_box[3] - points_up[:, 1])
points = np.append(points_center,
# Compute Voronoi
vor = sp.spatial.Voronoi(points)
# Filter regions
regions = []
ind = np.arange(points.shape[0])
ind = np.expand_dims(ind,axis= 1)
for region in vor.regions:
flag = True
for index in region:
if index == -1:
flag = False
x = vor.vertices[index, 0]
y = vor.vertices[index, 1]
if not(bounding_box[0] - eps <= x and x <= bounding_box[1] + eps and
bounding_box[2] - eps <= y and y <= bounding_box[3] + eps):
flag = False
if region != [] and flag:
vor.filtered_points = points_center
vor.filtered_regions = regions
return vor
def centroid_region(vertices):
A = 0
C_x = 0
C_y = 0
for i in range(0, len(vertices) - 1):
s = (vertices[i, 0] * vertices[i + 1, 1] - vertices[i + 1, 0] * vertices[i, 1])
A = A + s
C_x = C_x + (vertices[i, 0] + vertices[i + 1, 0]) * s
C_y = C_y + (vertices[i, 1] + vertices[i + 1, 1]) * s
A = 0.5 * A
C_x = (1.0 / (6.0 * A)) * C_x
C_y = (1.0 / (6.0 * A)) * C_y
return np.array([[C_x, C_y]])
def plot(r,index):
vor = voronoi(r, bounding_box)
fig = pl.figure()
ax = fig.gca()
# Plot initial points
ax.plot(vor.filtered_points[:, 0], vor.filtered_points[:, 1], 'b.')
# Plot ridges points
for region in vor.filtered_regions:
vertices = vor.vertices[region, :]
ax.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'go')
# Plot ridges
for region in vor.filtered_regions:
vertices = vor.vertices[region + [region[0]], :]
ax.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'k-')
# Compute and plot centroids
centroids = []
for region in vor.filtered_regions:
vertices = vor.vertices[region + [region[0]], :]
centroid = centroid_region(vertices)
centroids.append(list(centroid[0, :]))
ax.plot(centroid[:, 0], centroid[:, 1], 'r.')
centroids = np.asarray(centroids)
rob = np.copy(vor.filtered_points)
# the below code is for the plotting purpose the update happens in the update function
interim_x = np.asarray(centroids[:,0] - rob[:,0])
interim_y = np.asarray(centroids[:,1] - rob[:,1])
magn = [np.linalg.norm(centroids[i,:] - rob[i,:]) for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
x = np.copy(interim_x)
x = np.asarray([interim_x[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_x.shape[0])])
y = np.copy(interim_y)
y = np.asarray([interim_y[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_y.shape[0])])
nor = np.copy(rob)
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
nor[i,0] = x[i]
nor[i,1] = y[i]
temp = np.copy(rob)
temp[:,0] = [rob[i,0] + 0.5*interim_x[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
temp[:,1] = [rob[i,1] + 0.5*interim_y[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
ax.plot(temp[:,0] ,temp[:,1], 'y.' )
ax.set_xlim([-0.1, 1.1])
ax.set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1])
pl.savefig("voronoi" + str(index) + ".png")
return centroids
def update(rob,centroids):
interim_x = np.asarray(centroids[:,0] - rob[:,0])
interim_y = np.asarray(centroids[:,1] - rob[:,1])
magn = [np.linalg.norm(centroids[i,:] - rob[i,:]) for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
x = np.copy(interim_x)
x = np.asarray([interim_x[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_x.shape[0])])
y = np.copy(interim_y)
y = np.asarray([interim_y[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_y.shape[0])])
nor = [np.linalg.norm([x[i],y[i]]) for i in range(x.shape[0])]
temp = np.copy(rob)
temp[:,0] = [rob[i,0] + 0.5*interim_x[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
temp[:,1] = [rob[i,1] + 0.5*interim_y[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
return np.asarray(temp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in range(1):
centroids = plot(robots,i)
robots = update(robots,centroids)
问题是当你的 points
被输入到 Voronoi
时,在镶嵌构造的过程中膨胀了,当你稍后过滤掉它们时,点的顺序是错误的。因此,当您在 voronoi()
中设置 vor.filtered_points = points_center
解决方法很简单:在过滤区域并找到要保留的区域时,您需要收集落在相应区域内的点。您可以通过将 vor.points
匹配到 vor.point_region
并找到相应的区域来完成此操作,为此您需要 enumerate
您的 regions
# Compute Voronoi
vor = sp.spatial.Voronoi(points)
# Filter regions and select corresponding points
regions = []
points_to_filter = [] # we'll need to gather points too
ind = np.arange(points.shape[0])
ind = np.expand_dims(ind,axis= 1)
for i,region in enumerate(vor.regions): # enumerate the regions
if not region: # nicer to skip the empty region altogether
flag = True
for index in region:
if index == -1:
flag = False
x = vor.vertices[index, 0]
y = vor.vertices[index, 1]
if not(bounding_box[0] - eps <= x and x <= bounding_box[1] + eps and
bounding_box[2] - eps <= y and y <= bounding_box[3] + eps):
flag = False
if flag:
# find the point which lies inside
points_to_filter.append(vor.points[vor.point_region == i][0,:])
vor.filtered_points = np.array(points_to_filter)
vor.filtered_regions = regions