如何使用 Pydub 更改音频播放速度?

How to change audio playback speed using Pydub?

我是音频编辑库的新手 - Pydub. I want to change some audio files' playback speed using Pydub(say .wav/mp3 format files), but I don't know how to make it. The only module I saw that could possibly deal with this problem is speedup module in effect.py。但是,没有关于我应该如何称呼它的解释。

谁能解释一下如何在 Pydub 中完成这项任务?非常感谢!


sound.set_frame_rate() 进行转换,它不应导致任何 "chipmunk effect",但您可以做的是更改帧速率(不进行转换),然后将音频从那里转换回来到正常帧速率(如 44.1 kHz,"CD quality")

from pydub import AudioSegment
sound = AudioSegment.from_file(…)

def speed_change(sound, speed=1.0):
    # Manually override the frame_rate. This tells the computer how many
    # samples to play per second
    sound_with_altered_frame_rate = sound._spawn(sound.raw_data, overrides={
         "frame_rate": int(sound.frame_rate * speed)
     # convert the sound with altered frame rate to a standard frame rate
     # so that regular playback programs will work right. They often only
     # know how to play audio at standard frame rate (like 44.1k)
    return sound_with_altered_frame_rate.set_frame_rate(sound.frame_rate)

slow_sound = speed_change(sound, 0.75)
fast_sound = speed_change(sound, 2.0)

这可以使用 pyrubberband 包来完成,它需要 rubberband 库,可以在保持音调和高质量的同时拉伸音频。我能够使用 brew 在 MacOS 上安装该库,在 Ubuntu 上使用 apt install 也是如此。对于极端拉伸,查看 PaulStretch

brew install rubberband

这只适用于 librosa 包

import librosa
import pyrubberband
import soundfile as sf

y, sr = librosa.load(filepath, sr=None)
y_stretched = pyrubberband.time_stretch(y, sr, 1.5)
sf.write(analyzed_filepath, y_stretched, sr, format='wav')

为了使 pyrubberband 在没有 librosa 的情况下直接与 pydub 的 AudioSegment 一起工作,我修改了这个函数:

def change_audioseg_tempo(audiosegment, tempo, new_tempo):
    y = np.array(audiosegment.get_array_of_samples())
    if audiosegment.channels == 2:
        y = y.reshape((-1, 2))

    sample_rate = audiosegment.frame_rate

    tempo_ratio = new_tempo / tempo
    y_fast = pyrb.time_stretch(y, sample_rate, tempo_ratio)

    channels = 2 if (y_fast.ndim == 2 and y_fast.shape[1] == 2) else 1
    y = np.int16(y_fast * 2 ** 15)

    new_seg = pydub.AudioSegment(y.tobytes(), frame_rate=sample_rate, sample_width=2, channels=channels)

    return new_seg
from pydub import AudioSegment
from pydub import effects

root = r'audio.wav'
velocidad_X = 1.5 # No puede estar por debajo de 1.0

sound = AudioSegment.from_file(root)
so = sound.speedup(velocidad_X, 150, 25)
so.export(root[:-4] + '_Out.mp3', format = 'mp3')

我知道晚了,但我写了一个程序来将 mp3 转换为不同的播放速度。

首先,转换 .MP3 -> .Wav,因为 PYRubberBand 仅支持 .wav 格式。然后同时拉长时间和音调,避免花栗鼠效应。

import wave
import sys
from pydub import AudioSegment
#sound = AudioSegment.from_file("deviprasadgharpehai.mp3")
sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3(sys.argv[1])
sound.export("file.wav", format="wav")


import soundfile as sf
import pyrubberband as pyrb
y, sr = sf.read("file.wav")
# Play back at extra low speed
y_stretch = pyrb.time_stretch(y, sr, 0.5)
# Play back extra low tones
y_shift = pyrb.pitch_shift(y, sr, 0.5)
sf.write("analyzed_filepathX5.wav", y_stretch, sr, format='wav')

sound = AudioSegment.from_wav("analyzed_filepathX5.wav")
sound.export("analyzed_filepathX5.mp3", format="mp3")

# Play back at low speed
y_stretch = pyrb.time_stretch(y, sr, 0.75)
# Play back at low tones
y_shift = pyrb.pitch_shift(y, sr, 0.75)
sf.write("analyzed_filepathX75.wav", y_stretch, sr, format='wav')

sound = AudioSegment.from_wav("analyzed_filepathX75.wav")
sound.export("analyzed_filepathX75.mp3", format="mp3")

# Play back at 1.5X speed
y_stretch = pyrb.time_stretch(y, sr, 1.5)
# Play back two 1.5x tones
y_shift = pyrb.pitch_shift(y, sr, 1.5)
sf.write("analyzed_filepathX105.wav", y_stretch, sr, format='wav')

sound = AudioSegment.from_wav("analyzed_filepathX105.wav")
sound.export("analyzed_filepathX105.mp3", format="mp3")

# Play back at same speed
y_stretch = pyrb.time_stretch(y, sr, 1)
# Play back two smae-tones
y_shift = pyrb.pitch_shift(y, sr, 1)
sf.write("analyzed_filepathXnormal.wav", y_stretch, sr, format='wav')

sound = AudioSegment.from_wav("analyzed_filepathXnormal.wav")
sound.export("analyzed_filepathXnormal.mp3", format="mp3")




python3 filename.py mp3filename.mp3