模板参数 deduction/substitution 失败,lambda 作为函数指针
Template argument deduction/substitution failed with lambda as function pointer
我想知道为什么在下面的代码中编译器无法使用 lambda 作为函数 foo() 的参数(模板参数 deduction/substitution 失败),而一个简单的函数可以工作:
template<class ...Args>
void foo(int (*)(Args...))
int bar(int)
return 0;
int main() {
//foo([](int) { return 0; }); // error
return 0;
intel 编译器(版本 18.0.3)
template.cxx(12): error: no instance of function template "foo" matches the argument list
argument types are: (lambda [](int)->int)
foo([](int) { return 0; }); // error
template.cxx(2): note: this candidate was rejected because at least one template argument could not be deduced
void foo(int (*)(Args...))
Template argument deduction 不考虑隐式转换。
Type deduction does not consider implicit conversions (other than type adjustments listed above): that's the job for overload resolution, which happens later.
您可以将 lambda 显式转换为函数指针,例如你可以使用 static_cast
foo(static_cast<int(*)(int)>([](int) { return 0; }));
foo(+[](int) { return 0; });
我想知道为什么在下面的代码中编译器无法使用 lambda 作为函数 foo() 的参数(模板参数 deduction/substitution 失败),而一个简单的函数可以工作:
template<class ...Args>
void foo(int (*)(Args...))
int bar(int)
return 0;
int main() {
//foo([](int) { return 0; }); // error
return 0;
intel 编译器(版本 18.0.3)
template.cxx(12): error: no instance of function template "foo" matches the argument list
argument types are: (lambda [](int)->int)
foo([](int) { return 0; }); // error
template.cxx(2): note: this candidate was rejected because at least one template argument could not be deduced
void foo(int (*)(Args...))
Template argument deduction 不考虑隐式转换。
Type deduction does not consider implicit conversions (other than type adjustments listed above): that's the job for overload resolution, which happens later.
您可以将 lambda 显式转换为函数指针,例如你可以使用 static_cast
foo(static_cast<int(*)(int)>([](int) { return 0; }));
foo(+[](int) { return 0; });