无法启动 Azure 存储模拟器

Unable to start Azure Storage Emulator

我 运行 在尝试 运行 新安装的计算机上的 Azure 存储模拟器时遇到了问题。


Cannot create database 'AzureStorageEmulatorDb56' : The database 'AzureStorageEmulatorDb56' does not exist. Supply a valid database name. To see available databases, use sys.databases..

但是,当我 运行 sqllocaldb i 时,我可以看到 一个名为 'AzureStorageEmulatorDb56'.



AzureStorageEmulator init -server localhost -forcecreate


Granting database access to user AzureAD\[username elided].
Database access for user AzureAD\[username elided] was granted.

Initialization successful. The storage emulator is now ready for use.
The storage emulator was successfully initialized and is ready to use.


但是,当我在系统中右键单击模拟器的图标时尝试 select "Start Storage Emulator" 没有任何反应。如果我随后查看日志文件,我可以看到一个错误日志 (Error20-Jul-18-11-07.log),其中包含...

7/20/2018 11:06:36 AM [Error] [ActivityId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000] Input string was not in a correct format.

还有一个 Info20-Jul-18-11-07.log 文件,其中包含

7/20/2018 11:06:36 AM [Info] [ActivityId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000] Starting Service: Blob
7/20/2018 11:06:36 AM [Info] [ActivityId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000] Stopping Service: Blob

任何人都可以解释发生了什么问题以及我如何启动和 运行ning 本地存储模拟器吗?

尝试禁用日志记录,5.5 版本中似乎存在错误: https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-net/issues/728