如果目标对象死亡,Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection emission 会发生什么?

What happens with Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection emission if target object dies?

当我使用 invokeMethod 发送方法调用时,如果发送代码等待调用,但目标对象随后死亡,会发生什么情况?这会在无限等待中结束吗?或者 Qt 会唤醒调用者和 return false(这将是一种未记录的行为,并且是我自己的最佳猜测)?

以下示例在 invokeMethod 等待 BlockingQueuedConnection 时删除工作对象:

#include <QtCore>

//a thread that can be destroyed at any time
class SafeThread : public QThread{
    using QThread::run;
    explicit SafeThread(QObject* parent= nullptr):QThread(parent){}
    ~SafeThread(){ quit(); wait(); }

//The function queues a functor to get executed in a specified worker's thread
template <typename Func>
void PostToThread(QThread* thread, Func&& f) {
    QObject temporaryObject;
    QObject::connect(&temporaryObject, &QObject::destroyed,
                     thread->eventDispatcher(), std::forward<Func>(f),

//a typical QObject worker that can "printName"
class Worker  : public QObject {
    using QObject::QObject;
    ~Worker() {
        qInfo() << "destroying " << objectName()
                << " in " << QThread::currentThread()->objectName();
    Q_SLOT void printName() {
        qInfo() << "my name is " << objectName()
                << " in " << QThread::currentThread()->objectName();

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    //create worker
    Worker *worker = new Worker;

    //start worker thread and move worker to it
    SafeThread t;

    //set thread names (for better output)

    //normal QMetaObject::invokeMethod usage
    if(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(worker, "printName",
                                 Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection)) {
        qInfo() << "printName called successfully before deletion";
    //the lambda function will be executed in the worker thread
    PostToThread(&t, [worker]{
        qInfo() << "blocking " << QThread::currentThread()->objectName();
        QThread::sleep(2); //block worker thread for 2 seconds
        delete worker; //delete worker
    //at this point the worker thread is about to destroy the worker object (but
    //hasn't done so yet)
    if(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(worker, "printName",
                                 Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection)) {
        qInfo() << "printName called successfully after deletion!";

    QTimer::singleShot(100, &a, &QCoreApplication::quit);
    return a.exec();

#include "main.moc"

输出(在 Qt 5.9.1、Qt 5.7 - windows、debian 上测试):

my name is  "worker"  in  "worker_thread"
printName called successfully before deletion
blocking  "worker_thread"
destroying  "worker"  in  "worker_thread"
printName called successfully after deletion!

所以简短的回答是:invokeMethod returns true 但没有任何调用。但是,请注意,在 开始时,您必须保证 worker 对象仍然有效 (有关详细信息,请参阅最后一点) invokeMethod 调用主线程(否则, 是 UB).

以下是我通过挖掘 Qt 代码得出的结论列表:

  • ivokeMethod returns false 仅当传递给它的参数有问题时(例如插槽签名与参数不匹配 count/type, return 类型不匹配,未知连接类型,...)。参见 here
  • 当使用 Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection 时,invokeMethod 通过 acquiring a QSemaphore 阻塞调用线程。 QSemaphore 存储到发布到接收方对象的 QMetaCallEvent 中。
  • 这个QSemaphoreis releasedQMetaCallEvent被销毁
  • QObject的析构函数负责调用QCoreApplication::removePostedEvents() for the object being destructed. This means that all the events in the event queue that are targeted to an object are destroyed upon this object's destruction. See here.
  • 您需要确保 worker 对象在调用线程执行 invokeMethod 时保持活动状态,直到获取提到的信号量,因为 invokeMethod 可能会在任何时候尝试访问 worker 对象。我认为这一要求在实践中会使事情变得复杂,因为最终可能不得不在整个 invokeMethod 调用期间保证对象的生命周期(因此避免了这整个问题)。