使用 ems(或其他单位)在 GitHub markdown 中指定图像大小

Specify image size in GitHub markdown using ems (or other unit)

我发现可以 specify the image size using pixels,但像素并不是指定图像大小的好方法。我试过了

<img src="myimg.png" style="width:20em" />

但这没有用(尽管 Markdown Viewer for Chrome 渲染了它)


不,您需要定义 width and/or height 属性来定义图像的大小,并且这些属性仅支持像素单位。 GitHub 不支持使用 style 属性。

github/markup 项目中所述:

This library is the first step of a journey that every markup file in a repository goes on before it is rendered on GitHub.com:

  1. This library converts the raw markup to HTML. See the list of supported markup formats below.
  2. The HTML is sanitized, aggressively removing things that could harm you and your kin—such as script tags, inline-styles, and class or id attributes. See the sanitization filter for the full whitelist.
  3. Syntax highlighting is performed on code blocks. See github/linguist for more information about syntax highlighting.
  4. The HTML is passed through other filters in the html-pipeline that add special sauce, such as emoji, task lists, named anchors, CDN caching for images, and autolinking.
  5. The resulting HTML is rendered on GitHub.com.

值得注意的是第 2 步。具体来说,style 标签会从 GitHub 网站上任何用户提供的内容中删除。但是,对卫生过滤器的审查表明 height and width 属性已列入白名单且未被删除。注意 widthheight 属性只能以像素为单位。因此,您不能使用任何其他类型的单位来定义图像大小。您的 img 标签可能如下所示:

<img src="myimg.png" width="20" />
