SO pyDAL + MongoDB:如何在 JSON 字段内搜索?

SO pyDAL + MongoDB: How to search inside a JSON field?

我正在尝试在 pyDAL 中执行此 MongoDB 的搜索查询:

    '': 'Pizza'

stores 集合映射到 pyDAL table 是:

Store = db.define_table(
    Field('date', type='datetime'),
    Field('description', type='json'),
    Field('featured', type='boolean'),
    Field('lat', type='double'),
    Field('lng', type='double'),
    Field('menu', type='json'),
    Field('reviews', type='list:string')



db( == 'Pizza').select())


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mmagni/www/appicar/qa-automation/", line 6, in <module>
    print(db( == 'Pizza').select())
AttributeError: 'Field' object has no attribute 'items'


db(['items']['food']['category'] == 'Pizza').select()


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mmagni/www/appicar/qa-automation/", line 6, in <module>
    print(db(['items']['food']['category'] == 'Pizza').select())
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pydal/", line 1338, in __getitem__
    return self[i:i + 1]
TypeError: must be str, not int

最后,我试着把有 menu 的商店带进来:

for store in db(


/usr/bin/python3.6 /home/mmagni/www/appicar/qa-automation/
{'URI': 'lerot',
 'address': 'Av. Arístides Villanueva 263',
 'category': '',
 'city': 'Mendoza',
 'country': 'Argentina',
 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 5, 1, 29, 52, 789000),
 'description': {'en': 'A friendly place, where you feel comfortable and at '
                       'home is what matters to us. Attended by its owners, '
                       'the most important thing is that you eat and drink for '
                       'a very convenient price. What you can not stop eating '
                       'are the "LeRot Fries", a classic of our place. We '
                       'expect you! Closing time: you define it. Food: the '
                       'tastiest and most economical of the street. Drinks: '
                       'our bartender prepares you whatever you want. If you '
                       'say you found us on TripAdvisor, you have a 15% '
                       'discount on your account.',
                 'es': 'Un lugar amigable, donde sentirte cómodo y como en '
                       'casa es lo que nos importa. Atendido por sus dueños , '
                       'lo más importante es que comés y tomás por un precio '
                       'muy conveniente. Lo que no podés dejar de comer son '
                       'las “Papas LeRot", un clásico de nuestro lugar ¡Te '
                       'esperamos! Hora de cierre: la ponés vos. Comida: la '
                       'más rica y económica de la calle. Tragos: nuestro '
                       'bartender te prepara lo que vos quieras. Si decís que '
                       'nos encontraste en TripAdvisor, tenés un 15% de '
                       'descuento en tu cuenta.',
                 'it': 'Un luogo accogliente, dove ti senti a tuo agio e a '
                       'casa è ciò che conta per noi. Frequentato dai suoi '
                       'proprietari, la cosa più importante è che mangi e bevi '
                       'per un prezzo molto conveniente. Quello che non puoi '
                       'smettere di mangiare sono le "LeRot Fries", un '
                       'classico del nostro locale. Vi aspettiamo! Tempo di '
                       'chiusura: lo definisci. Cibo: il più gustoso e più '
                       'economico della strada. Bevande: il nostro barista ti '
                       'prepara tutto ciò che vuoi. Se dici che ci hai trovato '
                       'su TripAdvisor, hai uno sconto del 15% sul tuo '
 'featured': True,
 'id': 28202411502443212115215594329,
 'image': '',
 'lat': -32.8923525,
 'lng': -68.8540556,
 'menu': {'items': {'drink': [{'_id': ObjectId('5aa06d7784b554537f88885a'),
                               'category': 'Drinks with Alcohol',
                               'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 6, 2, 21, 4, 958000),
                               'name': {'en': 'Fernet with Coke to prepare',
                                        'es': 'Fernet con Coca para preparar',
                                        'it': 'Fernet con Coca-Cola da '
                               'paymentMethods': ['Cash', 'Credit Card'],
                               'picture': '',
                               'price': [{'currency': 'ARS', 'value': 120.0}]}],
                    'food': [{'_id': ObjectId('5aa06d7784b554537f888858'),
                              'category': 'Pizza',
                              'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 6, 2, 21, 4, 958000),
                              'name': {'en': 'Mozzarella pizza',
                                       'es': 'Pizza Mozzarella',
                                       'it': 'Pizza alla Mozzarella'},
                              'paymentMethods': ['Cash', 'Credit Card'],
                              'picture': '',
                              'price': [{'currency': 'ARS', 'value': 150.0}]},
                             {'_id': ObjectId('5aa06d7784b554537f888859'),
                              'category': 'Lomito',
                              'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 6, 2, 21, 4, 958000),
                              'name': {'en': 'Provolone Sandwich',
                                       'es': 'Provolomo',
                                       'it': 'Panino al Provolone'},
                              'paymentMethods': ['Cash', 'Credit Card'],
                              'picture': '',
                              'price': [{'currency': 'ARS',
                                         'value': 180.0}]}]}},
 'name': 'LeRot',
 'reviews': [{'_id': ObjectId('5aa943ea602e8b6921d0bb66'),
              'clientId': 'TGTbYMoThGpZWveKa',
              'clientName': 'Matías J. Magni',
              'clientPicture': '',
              'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 14, 15, 46, 50, 497000),
              'points': 4.0,
              'text': {'en': 'Excellent place, the drinks are amazing and they '
                             'serve squid rings!',
                       'es': 'Excelente lugar, los tragos son muy ricos y '
                             '¡sirven rabas!',
                       'it': 'Posto eccellente, le bevande sono molto gustose '
                             'e servono anelli di calamari!'}},
             {'_id': ObjectId('5aaacf349304c432ef2bbe4b'),
              'clientId': 'GnLdeKy6kmDhAkAkF',
              'clientName': 'Edgardo Marti',
              'clientPicture': '',
              'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 15, 19, 53, 24, 633000),
              'points': 3.0,
              'text': {'en': 'Very nice place to spend a quiet time with your '
                             'mate. Very affordable prices and good attention '
                             'from the waiters.',
                       'es': 'Lindo lugar para pasar un rato tranquilo con tu '
                             'pareja. Los precios muy asequibles y buena '
                             'atención por parte de los mozos.',
                       'it': 'Bello posto per trascorrere un periodo '
                             'tranquillo con il tuo compagno. Prezzi molto '
                             'convenienti e buona attenzione da parte dei '
{'URI': 'antares',
 'address': 'Av. Arístides Villanueva 153',
 'category': '',
 'city': 'Mendoza',
 'country': 'Argentina',
 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 5, 1, 51, 35, 847000),
 'description': {'en': 'Antares is an Argentine brewery that produces craft '
                       'beers in the city of Mar del Plata since 1998. It is '
                       'made in seven varieties, following European recipes, '
                       'not only found in the Argentine market, but it is '
                       'already marketed in Brazil, Canada, United States, '
                       'Uruguay and Sweden, exports involve a little more than '
                       '20,000 bottles per year. Some of the varieties are '
                       'aged in oak vases for a month, achieving unique '
                       'flavors and an alcoholic strength of 8%. Locations '
                       'have been installed in different Argentine provinces '
                       'and in Buenos Aires, where you can taste some '
                       'appetizers, dishes of German food and the seven '
                       'varieties of beer they make. The production is 50,000 '
                       'liters of beer per month. We assign tables by arrival. '
                       'Antares bottle loading every day from 18 a 21 hs. ',
                 'es': '',
                 'it': ''},
 'featured': True,
 'id': 28202411502443212115215594330,
 'image': '',
 'lat': -32.892855,
 'lng': -68.851691,
 'menu': {'items': {'food': [{'_id': ObjectId('5aa06c7a84b554537f888855'),
                              'category': 'Pizza',
                              'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 7, 22, 49, 30, 118000),
                              'name': {'en': 'Mozzarella Pizza',
                                       'es': 'Pizza Mozzarella',
                                       'it': 'Pizza alla Mozzarella'},
                              'paymentMethods': ['Cash', 'Credit Card'],
                              'picture': '',
                              'price': [{'currency': 'ARS',
                                         'value': 120.0}]}]}},
 'name': 'Antares',
 'reviews': [{'_id': ObjectId('5aaad09e9304c432ef2bbe4f'),
              'clientId': 'TGTbYMoThGpZWveKa',
              'clientName': 'Matías J. Magni',
              'clientPicture': '',
              'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 14, 15, 46, 50, 497000),
              'points': 2.0,
              'text': {'en': 'Excellent place to spend a quiet time with your '
                             'mate. Very affordable prices and good attention '
                             'from the waiters.',
                       'es': 'Excelente lugar para pasar un rato tranquilo con '
                             'tu pareja. Los precios muy asequibles y buena '
                             'atención por parte de los mozos.',
                       'it': 'Posto eccellente per trascorrere un periodo '
                             'tranquillo con il tuo compagno. Prezzi molto '
                             'convenienti e buona attenzione da parte dei '
             {'_id': ObjectId('5aaad09e9304c432ef2bbe50'),
              'clientId': 'GnLdeKy6kmDhAkAkF',
              'clientName': 'Edgardo Marti',
              'clientPicture': '',
              'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 15, 19, 53, 24, 633000),
              'points': 4.0,
              'text': {'en': 'Excellent place to spend a quiet time with your '
                             'mate. Very affordable prices and good attention '
                             'from the waiters.',
                       'es': 'Excelente lugar para pasar un rato tranquilo con '
                             'tu pareja. Los precios muy asequibles y buena '
                             'atención por parte de los mozos.',
                       'it': 'Posto eccellente per trascorrere un periodo '
                             'tranquillo con il tuo compagno. Prezzi molto '
                             'convenienti e buona attenzione da parte dei '
                             'camerieri.'}}]} 字段定义为 JSON。我如何在他们的键中执行查询?

您将 JSON 视为一个对象 - 这在 JS 中是可以的,但在 Python 中则不行。标准 Python 没有 JSON 对象的概念 - 在 Python 中,JSON 只是字典和列表的分层混合,所以



我可以执行类似操作的唯一方法是首先找到菜单不是 null 的商店,然后过滤映射到 [=18] 的 JSON 字段=]字典 by pyDAL:

stores = db(
results = []

for store in stores:
    results.append(list(filter(lambda food: food['category'] == 'Pizza',['items']['food'])))



[[{'_id': ObjectId('5aa06d7784b554537f888858'),
   'category': 'Pizza',
   'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 6, 2, 21, 4, 958000),
   'name': {'en': 'Mozzarella pizza',
            'es': 'Pizza Mozzarella',
            'it': 'Pizza alla Mozzarella'},
   'paymentMethods': ['Cash', 'Credit Card'],
   'picture': '',
   'price': [{'currency': 'ARS', 'value': 150.0}]}],
 [{'_id': ObjectId('5aa06c7a84b554537f888855'),
   'category': 'Pizza',
   'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 7, 22, 49, 30, 118000),
   'name': {'en': 'Mozzarella Pizza',
            'es': 'Pizza Mozzarella',
            'it': 'Pizza alla Mozzarella'},
   'paymentMethods': ['Cash', 'Credit Card'],
   'picture': '',
   'price': [{'currency': 'ARS', 'value': 120.0}]}]]

pyDAL 可以 store JSON 任何数据库中的数据,但它没有 API 用于 querying 在 JSON 数据中,即使对于支持此类操作的数据库也是如此。如果使用支持 SQL 的数据库(例如 Postgres),您可以通过将原始 SQL 字符串作为查询传递给 DAL 对象来在 JSON 字段中进行查询。但是,这种方法不适用于MongoDB.

对于MongoDB,最好的办法是直接使用pymongo驱动进行查询。您可以通过 pymongo 创建自己的连接,或者重新使用 pyDAL 创建的连接,可以在 db._adapter.connection 访问(驱动程序本身可以在 db._adapter.driver 访问)。