错误(无限循环或其他原因)导致我的代码在 shell 中途停止 运行

Error (infinite looping or something else) causing my code to stop running in the shell partway through

虽然我不能确切地说出原因是什么,但我的代码中的某些东西导致它在中途停止 运行ning,使 shell 处于可以单击一行的状态,键入,按回车键等,但 shell 本身没有给我任何反应。


from PIL import Image
import PIL.ImageOps

background = "background.png"
target = input("Please enter the name of your image (including file type)")
targetImage = Image.open(target)
background = Image.open(background)
area = targetImage.size 
backArea = background.size
area = (round(area[0] / 500), round(area[1] / 500))
backArea = (round(backArea[0] / 100), round(backArea[1] / 100))
targetImage = targetImage.resize(area)
background = background.resize(backArea)
size = area[0] * area[1]
targetWidth = area[0]
targetLength = area[1]

targetCoords = []

def analyser():
    pixelOne = 1
    pixelTwo = 1
    completedSearch = 0

    while completedSearch != size:
        while pixelOne != targetWidth:
            while pixelTwo != targetLength:
                targetCoords.append((pixelOne, pixelTwo))
                pixelTwo = pixelTwo + 1
                completedSearch = completedSearch + 1
            pixelTwo = 1
            pixelOne = pixelOne + 1

    colouredCoordsSum = []
    largerColouredCoordsSum = []
    smallerColouredCoordsSum = []
    flatTargetCoords = [x for sets in targetCoords for x in sets]
    coordLength = len(flatTargetCoords) - 1
    for i in range(0, coordLength, 2):
        firstnum = flatTargetCoords[i]
        secondnum = flatTargetCoords[i+1]
        sumnum = firstnum + secondnum
        if firstNum > secondNum:
            largerColouredCoordsSum.append("(",firstNum,", ",secondNum,"), (",sumnum,")")
            smallerColouredCoordsSum.append("(",firstNum,", ",secondNum,")")

    global topLeft
    global bottomRight
    global topRight
    global bottomLeft
    topLeft = min(smallerColouredCoordsSum)
    bottomRight = max(largerColouredCoordsSum)
    topRight = topLeft + (area[0] - 1)
    bottomLeft = bottomRight - (area[1] - 1)

print(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight)

我认为有问题的代码区域是第一个 while 循环的内容:

while completedSearch != size:
        while pixelOne != targetWidth:
            while pixelTwo != targetLength:
                targetCoords.append((pixelOne, pixelTwo))
                pixelTwo = pixelTwo + 1
                completedSearch = completedSearch + 1
            pixelTwo = 1
            pixelOne = pixelOne + 1

也就是说,可能还有其他错误导致了此问题。由于此状态下 shell 中的代码未完全 运行,因此我无法在消除超过这一点的错误方面取得进展。任何帮助表示赞赏。

编辑:当我 运行 代码时,我得到了输入提示,但是在输入文件名并按回车后,我没有看到任何东西 运行,也没有看到'>>>' 在下一行,但我可以在空行之间单击,键入,然后在这些行上按回车键,但是 shell 不会对我在该状态下输入的任何内容做出反应。它应该在完成后将每个角的坐标打印到 shell,但它并没有发生。

while completedSearch != size:
    while pixelOne != targetWidth:
        while pixelTwo != targetLength:
            targetCoords.append((pixelOne, pixelTwo))
            pixelTwo = pixelTwo + 1
            completedSearch = completedSearch + 1
        pixelTwo = 1
        pixelOne = pixelOne + 1
