
Pushing File Directory Updates Without Bogging Down the Server

我让我们的 IT 人员限制目录中的顶级文件夹,以防止用户在根级别添加或修改任何内容,但允许 read/write/modify 访问所有子文件夹。有数百 GB 的文件和文件夹,可能超过一百万个。有人告诉我:

"The way the current permission structure is set on this volumes make what you ask very hard to do. The volume has the one permission structure that is inherited all the way down – Everyone FULL rights to everything – therefore making any changed at the top would have to propagate to every single file in the entire volume and would take days to complete. "


如果您使用的是 windows 文件服务器,则不一定如此。可以选择只更改单个目录的权限,而不是向下传播所有内容。但是,如果您想向下传播所有内容(通常是 IT 决定),它将陷入困境并且您的文件共享可能无法以任何可接受的性能水平访问
