Hyperledger Composer - ACL 问题

Hyperledger Composer - ACL issue

我需要一些帮助来了解访问控制登录在 Composer 中的工作原理。我已经研究了我只能找到的所有可用演示,但我仍然需要一些指导。


abstract participant Business identified by email {
  o String email
  o String name
  o String legalEntity

participant Insurer extends Business {


asset Policy identified by policyId {
  o String policyId
  o PolicyStatus status
  o DateTime signDate

  --> Insurer insurer


transaction SwitchPolicyInsurer {
  --> Policy policy
  --> Insurer insurer

async function switchPolicyInsurer(tx) {

  var NS = 'org.example.mynetwork';
  let policy = tx.policy;
  let newInsurer = tx.insurer;

  // Save the old Insurer
  let oldInsurer = tx.policy.insurer;

  // Update the policy with new owner
  var factory = getFactory();
  policy.insurer = factory.newRelationship(NS, 'Insurer', newInsurer.getIdentifier());

  //Update the asset registry
  let policyRegistry = await getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Policy');
  await policyRegistry.update(policy);

我创建了一个与 Insurer_1 相关的策略。我需要的是当我切换到 Insurer_2 身份时,并尝试使用 SwitchPolicyInsurer 事务来接收访问错误。基本上,只有保单中的承保人才能将关系切换到另一家承保人。

我在 ACL 中尝试了以下操作:

rule SwitchPolicyInsurer {
  description: "Can switch"
  participant(m): "org.example.mynetwork.Insurer"
  operation: READ, UPDATE
  resource(v): "org.example.mynetwork.Policy"
  condition: (v.insurer.getIdentifier() == m.getIdentifier())
  action: ALLOW



我看到保单资产现在有字段 'insurer' 并且已添加 Insurer participant 模型。

更新:您的问题是:您定义了其他规则,并且这些规则的优先级/顺序会影响您想要限制的内容等。我建议(仅)尝试下面的这些规则,以及正常的规则您可能已经在底部拥有的系统/网络 ACL(以便正常操作可以正常运行)——一般来说,ACL 就像一个金字塔——越细粒度的规则(影响 'less' 目标资源)越接近顶部 - 'coarse' 规则越多(由于它们的本质,往往会到达规则集的底部,影响更广泛的目标资源集)。

rule txn_rule {
  description: "Access the txn resource itself"
  participant: "org.example.mynetwork.Insurer"
  operation: ALL
  resource: "org.example.mynetwork.SwitchPolicyInsurer"
  action: ALLOW

rule marshal_rule_via_txn_only {
  description: "Marshal updates such that transacting insurer participant matches the linked/related policy"
  participant(m): "org.mynetwork.trading.Insurer"
  operation: READ, UPDATE
  resource(v): "org.example.mynetwork.Policy"
  transaction(tx): "org.example.mynetwork.SwitchPolicyInsurer"
  condition: (v.insurer.getIdentifier() == m.getIdentifier() )
  action: ALLOW

rule policyresource_rule_outside_txn {
  description: "Need base access to my (insurer) policy resource outside of the transaction itself - used ALL, but could equally have READ"
  participant(m): "org.example.mynetwork.Insurer"
  operation: ALL
  resource(v): "org.example.mynetwork.Policy"
  condition: (v.insurer.getIdentifier() == m.getIdentifier())
  action: ALLOW

rule playground_rule_so_I_can_see_identities_to_switch_and_test {   // can be removed when done with testing FYI
  description: "self-explanatory"
  participant: "ANY"
  operation: ALL
  resource: "org.example.mynetwork.Insurer"
  action: ALLOW