'go run -gcflags -m xxx.go' 的输出是什么意思

What is the meaning of the output from 'go run -gcflags -m xxx.go'




// variable heap & stack learn,
// run with:
//  go run -gcflags -m xxx.go
package main

import "fmt"

func getPointerOfLocalVar() *int {
    x := 10 // go will put it into heap,
    return &x

// heap & stack test,
func heapStackTest() {
    px := getPointerOfLocalVar()
    fmt.Printf("x: %d\n", *px)

    y := 20 // go will put it into stack,
    fmt.Printf("y: %d\n", y)

func main() {


go run -gcflags -m variable_heap_stack.go


# command-line-arguments
./variable_heap_stack.go:8:6: can inline getPointerOfLocalVar
./variable_heap_stack.go:15:28: inlining call to getPointerOfLocalVar
./variable_heap_stack.go:10:9: &x escapes to heap
./variable_heap_stack.go:9:6: moved to heap: x
./variable_heap_stack.go:16:24: *px escapes to heap
./variable_heap_stack.go:19:13: y escapes to heap
./variable_heap_stack.go:15:28: heapStackTest &x does not escape
./variable_heap_stack.go:16:12: heapStackTest ... argument does not escape
./variable_heap_stack.go:19:12: heapStackTest ... argument does not escape
x: 10
y: 20


What does escapes to heap mean? Is it going to heap or not?

这意味着消息中指示的值 离开了函数的 "boundaries",因此,无法保证它在函数外部会发生什么, 因此如果该值是指针或引用(但仅限于此),则必须在堆上分配指向或引用的值。

你可以把escapes to heap当成调试信息,它并不表示你的一个变量"relocated"到堆

简单来说,"escapes to heap" 类似于术语:"it leaves the function",或 "it is passed outside of the function".


./variable_heap_stack.go:16:24: *px escapes to heap

表示值 *px 被传递到函数外部,即作为参数传递给 fmt.Printf() 这一行:

fmt.Printf("x: %d\n", *px)

moved to heap, this means move to heap, right? What's the difference with the above one?

这表明编译器决定将消息中指示的变量移动到堆中,因为它可能在函数外部被引用,因此它必须在函数中存活。并且由于从函数 return 后堆栈分配的值可能会变得无效,要使指示的变量在函数 return 之后有效,它必须在堆上。

Moved to heap是直接声明你的一个变量确实"relocated"到堆。注:"relocated"表示变量将首先分配在堆上,实际 "relocation" 无论如何都不会发生。

The y variable is local, no one refer to it after function returns, but there still got a line y escapes to heap, why was that?


fmt.Printf("y: %d\n", y)

y 不会因此而被移动到堆中,没有必要,因为它通过复制其值传递给 fmt.Printf(),而 fmt.Printf()将无法访问您的 y 局部变量。


您可以通过像这样传递 -m 两次来获得有关优化决策和逃逸分析的更多详细信息:

go run -gcflags='-m -m' variable_heap_stack.go


./variable_heap_stack.go:8:6: can inline getPointerOfLocalVar as: func() *int { x := 10; return &x }
./variable_heap_stack.go:14:6: cannot inline heapStackTest: non-leaf function
./variable_heap_stack.go:15:28: inlining call to getPointerOfLocalVar func() *int { x := 10; return &x }
./variable_heap_stack.go:22:6: cannot inline main: non-leaf function
./variable_heap_stack.go:10:9: &x escapes to heap
./variable_heap_stack.go:10:9:         from ~r0 (return) at ./variable_heap_stack.go:10:2
./variable_heap_stack.go:9:2: moved to heap: x
./variable_heap_stack.go:16:24: *px escapes to heap
./variable_heap_stack.go:16:24:        from ... argument (arg to ...) at ./variable_heap_stack.go:16:12
./variable_heap_stack.go:16:24:        from *(... argument) (indirection) at ./variable_heap_stack.go:16:12
./variable_heap_stack.go:16:24:        from ... argument (passed to call[argument content escapes]) at ./variable_heap_stack.go:16:12
./variable_heap_stack.go:19:13: y escapes to heap
./variable_heap_stack.go:19:13:        from ... argument (arg to ...) at ./variable_heap_stack.go:19:12
./variable_heap_stack.go:19:13:        from *(... argument) (indirection) at ./variable_heap_stack.go:19:12
./variable_heap_stack.go:19:13:        from ... argument (passed to call[argument content escapes]) at ./variable_heap_stack.go:19:12
./variable_heap_stack.go:15:28: heapStackTest &x does not escape
./variable_heap_stack.go:16:12: heapStackTest ... argument does not escape
./variable_heap_stack.go:19:12: heapStackTest ... argument does not escape
x: 10
y: 20