
How to Load More Data from next page when last item of the page found

我有更多页面的数据响应,目前它正在加载只有 20 条记录的第 1 页。

当我调用 Api 时,我将页码设为 1,如下所示。

 func getMovies()
        API.getNewMovies(page: 1, completion: {movies in
            self.nowPlayingMovies = movies




func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        // Check if the last row number is the same as the last current data element
        if indexPath.row == self.nowPlayingMovies.count - 1 {
            var pageNum:Int = 1
            pageNum += 1
           // self.loadMore()

 func loadMore()
      print("lastItem Reached")
         // let lastItem = nowPlayingMovies.last!
        //  print("lastItem \(lastItem)")
        // What Should I write here to load more data along with current data 


import Foundation

struct APIResults: Decodable {
    let page: Int
    let numResults: Int
    let numPages: Int
    let movies: [Movie]

    private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case page, numResults = "total_results", numPages = "total_pages", movies  = "results"

struct Movie: Decodable  {
    let id:Int!
    let posterPath: String
    var videoPath: String?
    let backdrop: String
    let title: String
    var releaseDate: String
    var rating: Double
    let overview: String

    private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id, posterPath = "poster_path", videoPath, backdrop = "backdrop_path", title, releaseDate = "release_date", rating = "vote_average", overview


如果您需要更多代码来解释,请告诉我。我将 post 所需的代码。谢谢。

将 pageNumber 作为参数传递并将电影附加到您的数据源。

var lastPageRetrieved: Int
var nowPlayingMovies: [Movie] = []
var atTheEnd: Bool = false

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    // Check if the last row number is the same as the last current data element
    if indexPath.row == self.nowPlayingMovies.count - 1 {
        // Last item reach, load the next page if we're not at the end
        if !atTheEnd {

func loadMore() {
    // Get the next page number
    var nextPage: Int = 1
    if lastPageRetrieved > 0 {
        nextPage += lastPageRetrieved

    // Call the API with the right page number
    getMovies(page: nextPage)

func getMovies(page: Int) {
    API.getNewMovies(page: page, completion: {movies in

        guard let movies = movies else {
            // The movies were not loaded, are we at the end?  You can make this even
            //   smarter by checking the number of records in the page and if the records
            //   are less than the max page size, we'll know this is the last page
            self.atTheEnd = true

        // Append the new movies to the data source
        self.nowPlayingMovies += movies

        // Record the last page you retrieved
        self.lastPageRetrieved = page

        // Reload your tableView with the new movies

您需要存储上次检索的页面,并在获取页面数据后进行设置。此外,当 API 无法 return 或您已到达最后一页时,请考虑错误处理。



    func loadMore()
          print("lastItem Reached")
          let startingPageIndex = self.nowPlayingMovies.count + 1 // get the index
          getMoview(startingPageIndex: startingPageIndex) // call load movies api

    func getMovies(startingPageIndex: Int) {
            API.getNewMovies(page: startingPageIndex, completion: {movies in
            if self.nowPlayingMovies.count > 0 {
            self.nowPlayingMovies += movies
            } else {
              self.nowPlayingMovies = movies