是什么导致 AVAssetCache 报告无法离线播放完全下载的资产?

What causes AVAssetCache to report not playable offline for a fully downloaded asset?

我正在开发一个 iOS 应用程序,它通过 HLS 播放 FairPlay 加密的音频,并支持下载和流式传输。在飞行模式下我无法播放下载的内容。如果我在下载完成时从本地 URL 创建一个 AVURLAssetasset.assetCache.isPlayableOffline returns NO,当我尝试在飞行模式下玩时果然如此仍然尝试请求 .m3u8 播放列表文件之一。


# Created with Bento4 mp4-hls.py version 1.1.0r623


# Media Playlists
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=133781,BANDWIDTH=134685,CODECS="mp4a.40.2" media-1/stream.m3u8
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=67526,BANDWIDTH=67854,CODECS="mp4a.40.2" media-2/stream.m3u8


# more segments...


AVURLAsset *asset = [AVURLAsset assetWithURL:myM3u8Url];
[asset.resourceLoader setDelegate:[FairPlayKeyManager instance] queue:[FairPlayKeyManager queue]];
asset.resourceLoader.preloadsEligibleContentKeys = YES;
AVAssetDownloadTask *task = [self.session assetDownloadTaskWithURLAsset:asset assetTitle:@"Track" assetArtworkData:imgData options:nil];
[task resume];


self.downloadedPath = location.relativePath;


if (!error)
  NSString *strUrl = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:self.downloadedPath];
  NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:strUrl];
  AVURLAsset *localAsset = [AVURLAsset assetWithURL:url];
  if (!localAsset.assetCache.playableOffline)
    NSLog(@"Oh no!"); //not playable offline


这里有没有我没有解决的问题?播放列表文件应该以某种方式不同吗?是否有一些 属性 的任务或资产是我遗漏的?

我认为您在检查 asset.assetCache.isPlayableOffline 之前没有什么要检查的。

  1. 您的 KSM 配置是否支持 fairplay 离线游戏?
    • 访问Apple's FairPlay Streaming Website
    • 下载fairplay示例SDK (FairPlay Streaming Server SDK (4.2.0))
    • 打开 HLSCatalogWithFPS - AVAssetResourceLoaderHLSCatalogWithFPS - AVContentKeySession
    • 使您的 KSM 适应示例项目以检查 FPS 离线播放是否正常
  2. 检查您的密钥请求过程
    • 由于您没有提供任何与密钥请求过程相关的代码,我不知道您是否正确请求并收到了 ckc 数据
    • 完成下载并不意味着您已获得 ckc 或持久密钥。调试以检查您是否从 KSM 获得正确的 ckc 数据。 (如果您的 KSM 未将内容配置为可离线播放,则在使用永久密钥选项请求 ckc 时可能会出错)
func handlePersistableContentKeyRequest(keyRequest: AVPersistableContentKeyRequest) {

         The key ID is the URI from the EXT-X-KEY tag in the playlist (e.g. "skd://key65") and the
         asset ID in this case is "key65".
        guard let contentKeyIdentifierString = keyRequest.identifier as? String,
            let contentKeyIdentifierURL = URL(string: contentKeyIdentifierString),
            let assetIDString = contentKeyIdentifierURL.host,
            let assetIDData = assetIDString.data(using: .utf8)
            else {
                print("Failed to retrieve the assetID from the keyRequest!")

        do {

            let completionHandler = { [weak self] (spcData: Data?, error: Error?) in
                guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
                if let error = error {


                guard let spcData = spcData else { return }

                do {
                    // Send SPC to Key Server and obtain CKC
                    let ckcData = try strongSelf.requestContentKeyFromKeySecurityModule(spcData: spcData, assetID: assetIDString)

                    let persistentKey = try keyRequest.persistableContentKey(fromKeyVendorResponse: ckcData, options: nil)

                    try strongSelf.writePersistableContentKey(contentKey: persistentKey, withContentKeyIdentifier: assetIDString)

                     AVContentKeyResponse is used to represent the data returned from the key server when requesting a key for
                     decrypting content.
                    let keyResponse = AVContentKeyResponse(fairPlayStreamingKeyResponseData: persistentKey)

                     Provide the content key response to make protected content available for processing.

                    let assetName = strongSelf.contentKeyToStreamNameMap.removeValue(forKey: assetIDString)!

                    if !strongSelf.contentKeyToStreamNameMap.values.contains(assetName) {
                        NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .DidSaveAllPersistableContentKey,
                                                        object: nil,
                                                        userInfo: ["name": assetName])

                } catch {


            // Check to see if we can satisfy this key request using a saved persistent key file.
            if persistableContentKeyExistsOnDisk(withContentKeyIdentifier: assetIDString) {

                let urlToPersistableKey = urlForPersistableContentKey(withContentKeyIdentifier: assetIDString)

                guard let contentKey = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: urlToPersistableKey.path) else {
                    // Error Handling.


                     Key requests should never be left dangling.
                     Attempt to create a new persistable key.
                    let applicationCertificate = try requestApplicationCertificate()
                    keyRequest.makeStreamingContentKeyRequestData(forApp: applicationCertificate,
                                                                  contentIdentifier: assetIDData,
                                                                  options: [AVContentKeyRequestProtocolVersionsKey: [1]],
                                                                  completionHandler: completionHandler)


                 Create an AVContentKeyResponse from the persistent key data to use for requesting a key for
                 decrypting content.
                let keyResponse = AVContentKeyResponse(fairPlayStreamingKeyResponseData: contentKey)

                // Provide the content key response to make protected content available for processing.


            let applicationCertificate = try requestApplicationCertificate()

            keyRequest.makeStreamingContentKeyRequestData(forApp: applicationCertificate,
                                                          contentIdentifier: assetIDData,
                                                          options: [AVContentKeyRequestProtocolVersionsKey: [1]],
                                                          completionHandler: completionHandler)
        } catch {
            print("Failure responding to an AVPersistableContentKeyRequest when attemping to determine if key is already available for use on disk.")

事实证明,这是因为 URL 我正在从中下载音频(例如 https://mywebsite.com/path/to/master.m3u8 正在重定向到 CDN url (https://my.cdn/other/path/to/master.m3u8) . AVAssetDownloadTask 簿记出了点问题,以至于当我尝试离线播放生成的下载文件时,它认为它需要来自网络的更多文件。我已将其归档为雷达 43285278。我通过手动解决了这个问题向同一个 URL 发出 HEAD 请求,然后给 AVAssetDownloadTask 生成的重定向 URL.