CRTP:为什么获取派生 class 的嵌套类型和嵌套方法之间存在差异?

CRTP: why a difference between getting a nested type and nested method of the derived class?




template<typename Derived>
struct crtp_base
    void crtp_method() { return static_cast<Derived&>(*this).method(); } // compiles

    using crtp_type = typename Derived::type; // doesn't compile

struct X : public crtp_base<X>
    void method() {}

    using type = int;

int main()


crtp_type 导致编译错误,而 crtp_method 编译正常,尽管两者都试图访问 Derived class 中定义的内容。解释这种差异的 C++ 规范是什么?

这里的区别在于,方法的实例化仅在您实际使用它时发生,而 crtp_base 的实例化发生在 public crtp_base<X> 处,其中类型 X 仍然不完整。解决方法是使用类型特征:

template<typename x_Target>
struct Trait;

template<typename Derived>
struct crtp_base
    void crtp_method() { return static_cast<Derived&>(*this).method(); }

    using crtp_type = typename Trait<Derived>::type;

struct X;

struct Trait<X>
    using type = int;

struct X : public crtp_base<X>
    void method() {}

    using type = Trait<X>::type;