在每个场景之前执行步骤? (黄瓜 + 量角器 + angular)

Execute steps before each scenario? (Cucumber + protractor + angular)

我需要为我的 angular 5 应用程序创建 e2e 测试。我们正在使用黄瓜和量角器。



Scenario: I need do process below before some scenarious
    Given I load a html page
    When I filling the form
      | name | testname|
      | gender        | male|
      | date | 08/18            |
      | surmane       | TestSurname            |
 And I click the checkbox
    And I click the "SAVE AND CONTINUE" button
    And I submit the details
    Then I should be redirected to the second page


Scenario: Scenario 2 - i need the same from scenario 1
Given All steps from scenario 1 done and i redirected to the second page
Scenario: Scenario 3 - i need the same from scenario 1
Given All steps from scenario 1 done and i redirected to the second page


如何为此创建 "Before" 挂钩?例如

Before('@copyScenario', () => {
 //.......list of steps

我不想 copy/paste 它...有什么想法吗?


BDD(因此 Cucumber 作为 BDD 工具)的目的是探索您正在实施的特性、能力和业务需求,以便业务人员(通常是非技术人员)拥有相同的作为开发和测试功能的人员对该功能的理解。


Scenario: Registering a user
   Given I am on the registrations page
   When I fill in my personal details
    And submit the registration form
   Then I should be taken to the dashboard


Scenario: Searching the site
   Given I have registered an account
     And I am logged in
   When I search the site for "product"
   Then I should see results for "product"

这 - 从非技术业务人员的角度来看,让他们看到测试背后的意图,并通过使每个测试步骤更加原子化(让他们能够无需复制和粘贴即可在所有地方使用,功能相同)。


这可以通过 cucumber 中称为 'Background' 的关键字来完成。 你应该像下面这样使用:

  Background: Always do these steps before executing any scenarios
   Given ....
   When ....
   Then ....

Scenario 1: Do after performing Background
Scenario 2: Do after performing Background

上面的脚本是这样的:- 它将执行后台步骤,然后执行场景 1,然后在完成场景 1 后,再次执行后台步骤,然后执行场景 2。