VBA Excel - 邮件合并到 PDF 循环遍历数据集

VBA Excel - Mail Merge to PDF Looping through datasets

场景如下。我在 Excel 2016 年使用 VBA 启动与 Word 的邮件合并。合并的数据源是当前 Excel 文档中的电子表格。该例程为数据集的每次迭代生成一个单独的合并文档。

当我遍历数据集时,会创建一个新的合并文档并将其另存为 PDF 文档。

问题 #1:

例程循环创建单独的合并文档。每个合并文档都是可见的,所以如果我循环遍历 5 个数据集,我会得到 5 个打开的合并文档,每个都有适当的数据集值。但是当保存为 PDF 时,它会一遍又一遍地保存第一个合并文档。

在我的代码中,"Save As PDF" 部分根据数据集中的一个字段生成一个唯一的文件名,并且有效。每个保存的 PDF 都有相应的文件名,但实际文件是一遍又一遍的第一个合并文档。

如何获得将第一个合并文档保存为 PDF 然后继续下一个迭代的例程?

问题 #2:



z = 0
For z = 0 To xCount - 1

lb2_selected = "''" + lb2_array(0, z) + "''"

addr_query = "sp_address_filter '" + lb2_selected + "','" + lb1_selected + "','','" + lb3_selected + "','',''"
'MsgBox (addr_query)

Set rs = conn.Execute(addr_query)

'Clear any existing data from Sheet2

'Load new iteration of data into Sheet2
With rs
    For h = 1 To .Fields.Count
        Sheet2.Cells(1, h) = .Fields(h - 1).Name
        Sheet2.Cells(1, h).Font.Bold = True

    Next h
End With

If Not rs.EOF Then
Sheets(2).Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs
End If

'Set value for filename
lb2_array_value = lb2_array(1, z)

Dim wd As Object
Dim wdocSource As Object

Dim strWorkbookName As String

Set wd = CreateObject("Word.Application")

    Set wdocSource = wd.Documents.Open("c:\users\john\documents\LabelPage3.docx")

    strWorkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name

    wdocSource.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters

    wdocSource.MailMerge.OpenDataSource _
            Name:=strWorkbookName, _
            AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
            Revert:=False, _
            Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, _
            Connection:="Data Source=" & strWorkbookName & ";Mode=Read", _
            SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM `Sheet2$`"

    With wdocSource.MailMerge
        .Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
        .SuppressBlankLines = True
        With .DataSource
            .FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
            .LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
        End With
        .Execute Pause:=False
    End With

    ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:= _
        "C:\users\john\documents\labels\" + lb2_array_value + ".pdf", _
        ExportFormat:=wdExportFormatPDF, OpenAfterExport:=False, OptimizeFor:= _
        wdExportOptimizeForPrint, Range:=wdExportAllDocument, From:=1, To:=1, _
        Item:=wdExportDocumentContent, IncludeDocProps:=True, KeepIRM:=True, _
        CreateBookmarks:=wdExportCreateNoBookmarks, DocStructureTags:=True, _
        BitmapMissingFonts:=True, UseISO19005_1:=False

    wd.Visible = True

    wdocSource.Close SaveChanges:=False
    Set wdocSource = Nothing
    Set wd = Nothing

Next z


  1. MS WORD 对象ActiveDocument 是 MS Word 对象库的一部分,而不是 Excel。通过不使用 Word.Application 对象限定它,您假设它用于 Excel。因此,相应地限定它:wd.ActiveDocument。在我这边,这样做会无限挂起 Excel 而不会出错。

  2. EARLY BINDING 由于声明了 none 个 Word 常量,因此您似乎有一个 VBA 对 MS Word 对象的引用图书馆检查了。因此,不要将后期绑定与早期绑定调用混合使用:


    Dim wd As Object
    Dim wdocSource As Object
    Set wd = CreateObject("Word.Application")


    Dim wd As Word.Application
    Dim wdocSource As Word.Document
    Set wd = New Word.Application
  3. 循环过程:将您的 Word 对象分配放在循环之外,因为只有文档需要在循环内设置和取消设置。并使用 Application.Quit 方法有效地关闭对象。

    Dim wd As Word.Application
    Dim wdocSource As Word.Document
    Set wd = New Word.Application
    wd.Visible = True
    For z = 0 To xCount - 1
         ... ' SHEET QUERY PROCESS
         Set wdocSource = wd.Documents.Open("c:\users\john\documents\LabelPage3.docx")
         ... ' MAIL MERGE PROCESS
         wdocSource.Close SaveChanges:=False
         Set wdocSource = Nothing
    Next z
    wd.Quit False
    Set wd = Nothing
  4. WITH BLOCK:为了便于阅读,对MailMerge进程始终使用With...End With块:

    With wdocSource.MailMerge
        .MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
        .OpenDataSource _
            Name:=strWorkbookName, _
            AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
            Revert:=False, _
            Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, _
            Connection:="Data Source=" & strWorkbookName & ";Mode=Read", _
            SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM `Sheet2$`"
        .Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
        .SuppressBlankLines = True
        With .DataSource
            .FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
            .LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
        End With
        .Execute Pause:=False
    End With
  5. 错误处理:作为最佳实践,将整个过程包装在错误处理中,尤其是销毁对象,因为导致运行时错误的代码将留下对象运行 作为后台进程。

    Public Sub RunMailMerge()
    On Error GoTo ErrHandle
        wdocSource.Close SaveChanges:=False
        Set wdocSource = Nothing
        wd.Quit False
        Set wd = Nothing
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "RUNTIME ERROR"
        Resume ExitHandle    
    End Sub