如何在 NetBeans 8.2 和 GlassFish 4.1.1 中同时部署 EJB 和 War 模块

How to deploy EJB and War modules at same time in NetBeans 8.2 and GlassFish 4.1.1

我在 GlassFish 4.1.1 上的 NetBeans 8.2 中同时部署 EJB 和 WAR 模块时遇到问题。显示以下消息:

[[ Exception Occurred :Error occurred during deployment: Exception while preparing the app : Could not resolve a persistence unit corresponding to the persistence-context-ref-name [ejb.NewMessage/em] in the scope of the module called [TestEJB-ejb]. Please verify your application.. Please see server.log for more details.]]

当我检查 GlassFish 服务器的 server.log 文件时,我遇到了以下错误消息:

[2018-07-28T12:59:45.406+0430] [glassfish 4.1] [SEVERE] [] [javax.enterprise.system.core] [tid: _ThreadID=427 _ThreadName=admin-listener(7)] [timeMillis: 1532766585406] [levelValue: 1000] [[
  Exception while preparing the app : Could not resolve a persistence unit corresponding to the persistence-context-ref-name [ejb.NewEntityFacade/em] in the scope of the module called [TestEJB-ejb]. Please verify your application.]]



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