连接到 ElasticSearch 的 Kibana 问题
Kibana issue connecting to ElasticSearch
我已经安装了 ElasticSearch(在 Azure 上),但我"m trying to get my Kibana (local instance) connecting to my remote elastic instance however, I"遇到了以下问题:
[06:26:19.214] [warning][license][xpack] License information from the X-Pack plugin could not be obtained from Elasticsearch for the [data] cluster. [invalid_index_name_exception] Invalid index name [_xpack], must not start with '_'., with { index_uuid="_na_" & index="_xpack" } :: {"path":"/_xpack","statusCode":400,"response":"{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"invalid_index_name_exception\",\"reason\":\"Invalid index name [_xpack], must not start with '_'.\",\"index_uuid\":\"_na_\",\"index\":\"_xpack\"}],\"type\":\"invalid_index_name_exception\",\"reason\":\"Invalid index name [_xpack], must not start with '_'.\",\"index_uuid\":\"_na_\",\"index\":\"_xpack\"},\"status\":400}"}
看起来 XPack 没有安装在您的 ES 服务器上,而它在您的本地 Kibana 实例上。
您可以在 ES 上安装 XPack
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
或从 Kibana 中删除它
bin/kibana-plugin remove x-pack
我已经安装了 ElasticSearch(在 Azure 上),但我"m trying to get my Kibana (local instance) connecting to my remote elastic instance however, I"遇到了以下问题:
[06:26:19.214] [warning][license][xpack] License information from the X-Pack plugin could not be obtained from Elasticsearch for the [data] cluster. [invalid_index_name_exception] Invalid index name [_xpack], must not start with '_'., with { index_uuid="_na_" & index="_xpack" } :: {"path":"/_xpack","statusCode":400,"response":"{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"invalid_index_name_exception\",\"reason\":\"Invalid index name [_xpack], must not start with '_'.\",\"index_uuid\":\"_na_\",\"index\":\"_xpack\"}],\"type\":\"invalid_index_name_exception\",\"reason\":\"Invalid index name [_xpack], must not start with '_'.\",\"index_uuid\":\"_na_\",\"index\":\"_xpack\"},\"status\":400}"}
看起来 XPack 没有安装在您的 ES 服务器上,而它在您的本地 Kibana 实例上。
您可以在 ES 上安装 XPack
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
或从 Kibana 中删除它
bin/kibana-plugin remove x-pack