
Knight tour on Infinite Grid with blocking cell


You are given two cells on a chess board, one is starting cell and another one is destination cell. You will get a list of cells also, which represents blocked cells, that means you can't drop on this cells during a tour. Now you have to find a minimum number of steps to reach destination cell from the starting cell with a Knight. Given that the chess grid is infinite.





现在解决方案很明显了。只需从源和目标进行并行 BFS。如果任一搜索终止,则没有路径。

您可以将棋盘的大小限制为比起始单元格和目标单元格的最大坐标大 3 行 3 列,即:

rows = Max(starting cell row no + 3, destination cell row no + 3) 
cols = Max(starting cell column no + 3, destination cell column no + 3)

为什么?如果您考虑骑士的移动方式,您会发现在棋盘的上述限制内,您总是可以以最少的移动次数到达任何目标单元格。最 "costly" 的情况是单元格对角对齐,例如起始单元格 A1 和目标单元格 B2,然后您需要移动 C2、E3、C4,最后移动 B2 - 4。所有其他情况都更快并且需要更少 "space".