从 Int 转换为 Hex 值然后将 hex 值附加到 Data 对象后出现错误 Swift?

After converting from Int to Hex value and then Append hex value to the Data object getting error Swift?


Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

let n = 585
let result = 255 - n % 256 //182 is result
let hexValue = String(result, radix: 16) //b6 is result
var returnMsg = "[1,1,1, ,#00300".data(using: .utf8) as! Data

我在这里尝试将 b6 添加到数据对象。

您使用字符串获取 result 作为十六进制字符串,仅用于附加到 returnMsg 是没有用的。只需附加 result.

let n = 585
let result = 255 - n % 256 //182 is result
var returnMsg = "[1,1,1, ,#00300".data(using: .utf8)!

您的崩溃是由于强制展开造成的 UInt8(hexValue)。传入字符串 b6 会得到 nil 结果,而 nil 的强制解包总是会导致崩溃和您看到的错误消息。采用字符串的 UInt8 初始化程序只接受以 10 为底的整数。您可以在文档中看到这一点:

The string passed as description may begin with a plus or minus sign character (+ or -), followed by one or more numeric digits (0-9).

If description is in an invalid format, or if the value it denotes in base 10 is not representable, the result is nil.