Nashorn 在 JDK 9 和 JDK 10 上的表现

Nashorn performance on JDK 9 and JDK 10

如果您在 JDK 8 上使用 Nashorn 解释 moment.js 库,它会在几秒钟内运行:

time .../JDK8/bin/jjs moment-with-locales-2.22.2.js
real    0m2.644s
user    0m10.059s
sys     0m0.287s

但是在 JDK 9 或 10 上做同样的事情,这很糟糕:

time .../JDK10/bin/jjs moment-with-locales-2.22.2.js
real    0m27.308s
user    0m59.690s
sys     0m1.353s


我知道 Nashorn 将被弃用,但它在受支持的情况下是否不能正常工作?


Nashorn 可以使用 'optimistic types'(详见下文),它们在 Java 9 及更高版本中默认打开,但它们会导致启动延迟。


$ time jjs --optimistic-types=false moment-with-locales.js
real    0m4.282s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.015s


jjs -h定义乐观类型如下:

Use optimistic type assumptions with deoptimizing recompilation. This makes the compiler try, for any program symbol whose type cannot be proven at compile time, to type it as narrow and primitive as possible. If the runtime encounters an error because symbol type is too narrow, a wider method will be generated until steady stage is reached. While this produces as optimal Java Bytecode as possible, erroneous type guesses will lead to longer warmup. Optimistic typing is currently enabled by default, but can be disabled for faster startup performance.
