在 WAMP 中使用 LDAP 的反向代理身份验证失败

Reverse proxy authentication using LDAP in WAMP is failing

使用反向代理,我已将托管在 WAMP 中的 PHP 应用程序重定向到 Grafana。现在我正在尝试使用 LDAP 对反向代理用户进行身份验证。它给我一个错误 auth_ldap authenticate: user yajana authentication failed; URI /grafana/ [LDAP: ldap_simple_bind() failed][Invalid DN Syntax]denied (no authenticated user yet).


这是我的 httpd.conf 文件:

LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/mod_auth_digest.so
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/mod_authn_file.so
LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/mod_authnz_ldap.so
LoadModule authz_core_module modules/mod_authz_core.so
LoadModule ldap_module modules/mod_ldap.so
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule xml2enc_module modules/mod_xml2enc.so

<Directory />
    AllowOverride none
    Require all denied

<IfModule proxy_html_module>
Include conf/extra/proxy-html.conf

<IfModule ssl_module>
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName localhost
  RewriteEngine on
  ErrorLog "logs/authproxy-error_log"
  CustomLog "logs/authproxy-access_log" common
  <Location "/grafana/">
        LDAPReferrals off
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName GrafanaAuthProxy
        AuthBasicProvider ldap
        AuthLDAPURL "ldap://localhost:389/dc=maxcrc,dc=com"
        AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=Manager,dc=maxcrc,dc=com"
        AuthLDAPBindPassword "secret"
        AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN off
        Require ldap-filter ldapsettingshere
        AuthLDAPMaxSubGroupDepth 1
        RequestHeader unset Authorization
        allow from all
        Require valid-user
  <Proxy *>

        # Require valid-user
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteRule .* - [E=PROXY_USER:%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER},NS]
        RequestHeader set X-WEBAUTH-USER "%{PROXY_USER}e"
  RequestHeader unset Authorization
  ProxyRequests Off
  ProxyPass /grafana/ http://localhost:3000/
  ProxyPassReverse /grafana/ http://localhost:3000

Include "${INSTALL_DIR}/alias/*"


authorization result of Require ldap-filter ldapsettingshere: denied (no authenticated user yet)
authorization result of Require valid-user : denied (no authenticated user yet)
authorization result of <RequireAny>: denied (no authenticated user yet)
authorization result of Require ldap-filter ldapsettingshere: denied (no authenticated user yet)
authorization result of Require valid-user : denied (no authenticated user yet)
authorization result of <RequireAny>: denied (no authenticated user yet)
auth_ldap authenticate: using URL ldap://localhost:389/dc=maxcrc,dc=com
auth_ldap authenticate: user yajana rao authentication failed; URI /grafana/ [User not found][No Such Object]
user yajana rao not found: /grafana/

apache 版本:2.4.23

更新: 根据答案更新bind_dn

AuthLDAPBindDN "Manager@maxcrc.com"

简单绑定请求中的绑定 DN 必须是完整 DN。因此 AuthLDAPBindDN must contain a DN string like defined in RFC 4514。 “Manager@maxcrc.com”之类的值仅适用于 MS AD,不适用于任何其他 LDAP 服务器。

AuthLDAPURL "ldap://localhost:389/dc=maxcrc,dc=com"

此外,在检查用户密码之前,必须将用户名映射到完整的绑定 DN。 mod_authnz_ldap 将默认假定 uid 是要在搜索中使用的 LDAP 属性。但是您可以通过在 AuthLDAPUrl 中设置 attribute 来为您的 LDAP 服务器调整它。如果您使用的是 MS AD,则为 sAMAccountName.

我已经能够通过将 AuthLDAPURL 编辑为


AuthLDAPURL "ldap://localhost:389/dc=maxcrc,dc=com?cn,ou?sub"