如何监控Heron Cluster的吞吐量
How to monitor the throughput of Heron Cluster
出于某些原因,我需要获取 Heron 集群的吞吐量,但 Heron 中没有指标 UI。那么你对如何监控Heron Cluster的吞吐量有什么想法吗?谢谢
运行 heron-explorer 结果如下:
yitian@heron01:~$ heron-explorer metrics aurora/yitian/devel SentenceWordCountTopology
[2018-08-03 21:02:09 +0000] [INFO]: Using tracker URL:
'spout' metrics:
container id jvm-uptime-secs jvm-process-cpu-load jvm-memory-used-mb emit-count ack-count fail-count
------------------- ----------------- ---------------------- -------------------- ------------ ----------- ------------
container_3_spout_6 2053 0.253257 146 1.13288e+07 1.13278e+07 0
container_4_spout_7 2091 0.150625 137.5 1.1624e+07 1.16228e+07 231
'count' metrics:
container id jvm-uptime-secs jvm-process-cpu-load jvm-memory-used-mb emit-count execute-count ack-count fail-count
-------------------- ----------------- ---------------------- -------------------- ------------ --------------- ----------- ------------
container_6_count_12 2092 0.184742 155.167 0 4.6026e+07 4.6026e+07 0
container_5_count_9 2091 0.387867 146 0 4.60069e+07 4.60069e+07 0
container_6_count_11 2092 0.184488 157.833 0 4.58158e+07 4.58158e+07 0
container_4_count_8 2091 0.443688 129.833 0 4.58722e+07 4.58722e+07 0
container_5_count_10 2091 0.382577 118.5 0 4.60091e+07 4.60091e+07 0
'split' metrics:
container id jvm-uptime-secs jvm-process-cpu-load jvm-memory-used-mb emit-count execute-count ack-count fail-count
------------------- ----------------- ---------------------- -------------------- ------------ --------------- ----------- ------------
container_1_split_2 2091 0.143034 75.3333 4.59453e+07 4.59453e+06 4.59453e+06 0
container_3_split_5 2042 1.12248 79.1667 4.64862e+07 4.64862e+06 4.64862e+06 0
container_2_split_3 2150 0.139837 83.6667 4.59443e+07 4.59443e+06 4.59443e+06 0
container_1_split_1 2091 0.145702 104.167 4.59454e+07 4.59454e+06 4.59454e+06 0
container_2_split_4 2150 0.138453 106.333 4.59443e+07 4.59443e+06 4.59443e+06 0
[2018-08-03 21:02:09 +0000] [INFO]: Elapsed time: 0.031s.
您可以使用接收器组件的 execute-count
来测量拓扑的输出。如果您的每个组件都有 1:1 input:output 比率,那么这就是您的吞吐量。
但是,如果您将元组窗口化为批次或拆分元组(例如将句子分成单个单词),那么事情会变得有点复杂。您可以通过查看 spout 组件的 emit-count
将输入输入到拓扑中。然后,您可以使用它与螺栓 execute-counts
以编程方式访问这些指标的一种简单方法是通过 Heron Tracker REST API. You can use your chosen language's HTTP library (like Requests for Python) to query the last 3 hours of data for a running topology. If you require more than 3 hours of data (the maximum stored by the topology TMaster) you will need to use one of the other metrics sinks 将指标发送到外部数据库。 Heron 目前提供了用于保存到本地文件、Graphite 或 Prometheus 的接收器。 InfluxDB 支持正在开发中。
出于某些原因,我需要获取 Heron 集群的吞吐量,但 Heron 中没有指标 UI。那么你对如何监控Heron Cluster的吞吐量有什么想法吗?谢谢
运行 heron-explorer 结果如下:
yitian@heron01:~$ heron-explorer metrics aurora/yitian/devel SentenceWordCountTopology
[2018-08-03 21:02:09 +0000] [INFO]: Using tracker URL:
'spout' metrics:
container id jvm-uptime-secs jvm-process-cpu-load jvm-memory-used-mb emit-count ack-count fail-count
------------------- ----------------- ---------------------- -------------------- ------------ ----------- ------------
container_3_spout_6 2053 0.253257 146 1.13288e+07 1.13278e+07 0
container_4_spout_7 2091 0.150625 137.5 1.1624e+07 1.16228e+07 231
'count' metrics:
container id jvm-uptime-secs jvm-process-cpu-load jvm-memory-used-mb emit-count execute-count ack-count fail-count
-------------------- ----------------- ---------------------- -------------------- ------------ --------------- ----------- ------------
container_6_count_12 2092 0.184742 155.167 0 4.6026e+07 4.6026e+07 0
container_5_count_9 2091 0.387867 146 0 4.60069e+07 4.60069e+07 0
container_6_count_11 2092 0.184488 157.833 0 4.58158e+07 4.58158e+07 0
container_4_count_8 2091 0.443688 129.833 0 4.58722e+07 4.58722e+07 0
container_5_count_10 2091 0.382577 118.5 0 4.60091e+07 4.60091e+07 0
'split' metrics:
container id jvm-uptime-secs jvm-process-cpu-load jvm-memory-used-mb emit-count execute-count ack-count fail-count
------------------- ----------------- ---------------------- -------------------- ------------ --------------- ----------- ------------
container_1_split_2 2091 0.143034 75.3333 4.59453e+07 4.59453e+06 4.59453e+06 0
container_3_split_5 2042 1.12248 79.1667 4.64862e+07 4.64862e+06 4.64862e+06 0
container_2_split_3 2150 0.139837 83.6667 4.59443e+07 4.59443e+06 4.59443e+06 0
container_1_split_1 2091 0.145702 104.167 4.59454e+07 4.59454e+06 4.59454e+06 0
container_2_split_4 2150 0.138453 106.333 4.59443e+07 4.59443e+06 4.59443e+06 0
[2018-08-03 21:02:09 +0000] [INFO]: Elapsed time: 0.031s.
您可以使用接收器组件的 execute-count
来测量拓扑的输出。如果您的每个组件都有 1:1 input:output 比率,那么这就是您的吞吐量。
但是,如果您将元组窗口化为批次或拆分元组(例如将句子分成单个单词),那么事情会变得有点复杂。您可以通过查看 spout 组件的 emit-count
将输入输入到拓扑中。然后,您可以使用它与螺栓 execute-counts
以编程方式访问这些指标的一种简单方法是通过 Heron Tracker REST API. You can use your chosen language's HTTP library (like Requests for Python) to query the last 3 hours of data for a running topology. If you require more than 3 hours of data (the maximum stored by the topology TMaster) you will need to use one of the other metrics sinks 将指标发送到外部数据库。 Heron 目前提供了用于保存到本地文件、Graphite 或 Prometheus 的接收器。 InfluxDB 支持正在开发中。