自定义终结点不接收 IoT 中心元数据

Custom endpoint receives no IoT Hub meta data

当我的 IoT 中心将设备消息路由到内置 "Events" 端点时,消息的元数据(消息 ID、设备 ID、排队时间等)包含在事件中。当同一消息路由到我的自定义终结点(事件中心)时,消息的元数据不包含在事件中。是否有将 IoT 中心消息元数据转发到自定义终结点的选项?


IoT 中心 -> "Events" 端点 -> 流分析中的采样输入

    "type": "Flow",
    "payload": {
        "timestamp": "2018-08-02 08:05:11.991",
        "flow": 1
    "EventProcessedUtcTime": "2018-08-02T08:06:04.3909310Z",
    "PartitionId": 1,
    "EventEnqueuedUtcTime": "2018-08-02T08:05:13.2180000Z",
    "IoTHub": {
        "MessageId": null,
        "CorrelationId": null,
        "ConnectionDeviceId": "...",
        "ConnectionDeviceGenerationId": "636657651873407150",
        "EnqueuedTime": "2018-08-02T08:05:13.0320000Z",
        "StreamId": null

IoT 中心 -> 自定义终结点 -> 事件中心 -> 流分析中的采样输入

    "type": "Flow",
    "payload": {
        "timestamp": "2018-08-02 05:41:37.714",
        "flow": 0
    "EventProcessedUtcTime": "2018-08-02T05:53:58.3994321Z",
    "PartitionId": 1,
    "EventEnqueuedUtcTime": "2018-08-02T05:41:38.8890000Z"


  • EventProcessedUtcTime
  • EventEnqueuedUtcTime
  • PartitionId

如您所见。请参阅此文档:“Stream data from Event Hubs”。

When using Event Hub as an endpoint for IoT Hub Routes, you can access to the IoT Hub medadata using the GetMetadataPropertyValue function.


要在启用 IoT 路由的情况下从事件中心进行查询,

GetMetadataPropertyValue(ehInput, '[EventHub].[IoTConnectionDeviceId]') AS myIoTDeviceId 
FROM ehInput