
In react-devtools, what do the various highlighting colors of the "highlightUpdates" option mean

我一直在使用 react-devtools 来检测任何不必要的组件更新,但是我不确定我是否完全理解它是如何工作的。

我可以识别通过添加的边框更新的各种组件,表明它们已更新,但我不确定这些边框的各种颜色是什么意思(到目前为止我看到的是青色和浅绿色) .

这个我也不是很懂,我会追查代码的! :)

This is the component that renders the "Highlight Updates" toggle. It calls a changeTraceUpdates method in the main Store which sends a message through the "bridge" to activate the TraceUpdatesBackendManager. Poking around that file, we see a couple of classes with names like "presenter" in them; I assume one of these is what actually draws the border. In particular, TraceUpdatesWebNodePresenter looks related because it defines an array of COLORS. It looks like these colors are chosen based on a "hit" attribute, which a quick search suggests is set by TraceUpdatesAbstractNodePresenter– and gets incremented each time an element is "presented".

那么从字里行间来看,我假设这意味着渲染频率较低的组件将用 "cool" 颜色(蓝色)勾勒出轮廓,而渲染频率较高的组件将用 "hot" 颜色勾勒轮廓(红色).