使用 Nodejs 的 SendGrid 模板中的变量替换不起作用

Variable substitution in SendGrid templates with Nodejs does not work

在 SendGrids USE CASE 之后 github 确实成功地用正确的模板向我发送了电子邮件,但替换显然不起作用,并且在生成的电子邮件中留空邮件。服务器端:

const sgmailer = require("@sendgrid/mail");
sgmailer.setSubstitutionWrappers('{{', '}}');

const msg = {
    to: '...',
    from: 'sender@example.org',
    subject: 'Hello world',
    text: 'Hello plain world!',
    html: '<p>Hello HTML world!</p>',
    templateId: '...',
    substitutions: {
        name: 'Some One',
        city: 'Denver',

HTML 模板中:

Hello {{name}},
<br /><br/>
I'm glad you are trying out the template feature!
<br /><br/>
<br /><br/>
I hope you are having a great day in {{city}} :)
<br /><br/>


Hello ,

I'm glad you are trying out the template feature!

I hope you are having a great day in :)

这里显然缺少变量。 如何正确替换变量?

因为我使用的是来自 SendGrid 的 dynamic 模板,所以我不能使用 "substitutions" 标签,而必须使用 "dynamic_template_data" 标签,参见this issue。将 msg-object 更改为

const msg = {
    to: '...',
    from: 'sender@example.org',
    subject: 'Hello world',
    text: 'Hello plain world!',
    html: '<p>Hello HTML world!</p>',
    templateId: '...',
    dynamic_template_data: {
        name: 'Some One',
        city: 'Denver',

有效。据我所知,这在 SendGrid 文档中没有记录。


import { getConfig } from '../config';    
const msg = {
                to: recipient,
                from: global.gConfig['SENDGRID_EMAIL_FROM'], // or getConfig().SENDGRID_EMAIL_FROM
                templateId: this.templateId,
                dynamicTemplateData: this.variables,


export function getConfig(): any {
    return process.env;