VBA 从 Excel 更新 Access 中的 table 时出现错误 462
VBA error 462 when updating table in Access from Excel
从 Excel VBA 更新 Access table 时出现 462 运行时错误。我认为引用已按照 here and here 所述正确地使用对象变量进行限定,但在使用 DCount.
将记录数分配给 dbImageCount 的行中我仍然遇到错误
Public AppAccess As Access.Application
Sub btnSave2Access_Click()
Dim MyRow As Long, LastCaptionRow As Integer
Dim sPath As String, STblName As String, CatalogNum As String, LotNum As String
Dim i As Integer, dbImageCount As Integer
CatalogNum = Trim(Sheets("Tier2Worksheet").Range("B2"))
LotNum = Trim(Sheets("Tier2Worksheet").Range("B3"))
LastCaptionRow = Range("E1000").End(xlUp).Row
sPath = Sheets("Settings").Range("B16")
STblName = "tblProductPictures"
Set AppAccess = New Access.Application
With AppAccess
.OpenCurrentDatabase sPath
For i = 1 To LastCaptionRow
'error in next line
dbImageCount = DCount("[SortOrder]", STblName, "[CatalogNum] = '" & CatalogNum & "' AND [LotNum] = '" & LotNum & "'") 'get current image count in DB for catNum/LotNum combo
While dbImageCount < LastCaptionRow 'adds record to picture table when required
dbImageCount = dbImageCount + 1
.DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO " & STblName & " (CatalogNum, LotNum, SortOrder) VALUES ('" & CatalogNum & "','" & LotNum & "','" & dbImageCount & "');"
With .DoCmd
.SetWarnings False
.RunSQL "UPDATE " & STblName & " SET PicPath='" & Range("E" & i) & "' Where [CatalogNum]='" & CatalogNum & "' and [SortOrder]='" & i & "' and [LotNum]='" & LotNum & "';"
.RunSQL "UPDATE " & STblName & " SET FullCaption='" & Range("D" & i) & "' Where [CatalogNum]='" & CatalogNum & "' and [SortOrder]='" & i & "' and [LotNum]='" & LotNum & "';"
.SetWarnings True
End With
Next i
End With
Set AppAccess = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
在调试过程中手动设置 dbImageCount 的值(注释掉 DCount 行)使用新图片数据正确更新数据库。
起初,我以为是网络故障之类的,但后来我读到 426 错误具体是一个 Office 自动化问题,所以我希望我们很快会再次看到它。
您需要使用 DCount
With AppAccess
.OpenCurrentDatabase sPath
For i = 1 To LastCaptionRow
'error in next line
dbImageCount = .DCount("[SortOrder]", STblName, "[CatalogNum] = '" & CatalogNum & "' AND [LotNum] = '" & LotNum & "'") 'get current image count in DB for catNum/LotNum combo
While dbImageCount < LastCaptionRow 'adds record to picture table when required
dbImageCount = dbImageCount + 1
.DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO " & STblName & " (CatalogNum, LotNum, SortOrder) VALUES ('" & CatalogNum & "','" & LotNum & "','" & dbImageCount & "');"
With .DoCmd
.SetWarnings False
.RunSQL "UPDATE " & STblName & " SET PicPath='" & Range("E" & i) & "' Where [CatalogNum]='" & CatalogNum & "' and [SortOrder]='" & i & "' and [LotNum]='" & LotNum & "';"
.RunSQL "UPDATE " & STblName & " SET FullCaption='" & Range("D" & i) & "' Where [CatalogNum]='" & CatalogNum & "' and [SortOrder]='" & i & "' and [LotNum]='" & LotNum & "';"
.SetWarnings True
End With
Next i
End With
从 Excel VBA 更新 Access table 时出现 462 运行时错误。我认为引用已按照 here and here 所述正确地使用对象变量进行限定,但在使用 DCount.
将记录数分配给 dbImageCount 的行中我仍然遇到错误运行-时间错误‘462’:远程服务器机器不存在或不可用
Public AppAccess As Access.Application
Sub btnSave2Access_Click()
Dim MyRow As Long, LastCaptionRow As Integer
Dim sPath As String, STblName As String, CatalogNum As String, LotNum As String
Dim i As Integer, dbImageCount As Integer
CatalogNum = Trim(Sheets("Tier2Worksheet").Range("B2"))
LotNum = Trim(Sheets("Tier2Worksheet").Range("B3"))
LastCaptionRow = Range("E1000").End(xlUp).Row
sPath = Sheets("Settings").Range("B16")
STblName = "tblProductPictures"
Set AppAccess = New Access.Application
With AppAccess
.OpenCurrentDatabase sPath
For i = 1 To LastCaptionRow
'error in next line
dbImageCount = DCount("[SortOrder]", STblName, "[CatalogNum] = '" & CatalogNum & "' AND [LotNum] = '" & LotNum & "'") 'get current image count in DB for catNum/LotNum combo
While dbImageCount < LastCaptionRow 'adds record to picture table when required
dbImageCount = dbImageCount + 1
.DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO " & STblName & " (CatalogNum, LotNum, SortOrder) VALUES ('" & CatalogNum & "','" & LotNum & "','" & dbImageCount & "');"
With .DoCmd
.SetWarnings False
.RunSQL "UPDATE " & STblName & " SET PicPath='" & Range("E" & i) & "' Where [CatalogNum]='" & CatalogNum & "' and [SortOrder]='" & i & "' and [LotNum]='" & LotNum & "';"
.RunSQL "UPDATE " & STblName & " SET FullCaption='" & Range("D" & i) & "' Where [CatalogNum]='" & CatalogNum & "' and [SortOrder]='" & i & "' and [LotNum]='" & LotNum & "';"
.SetWarnings True
End With
Next i
End With
Set AppAccess = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
在调试过程中手动设置 dbImageCount 的值(注释掉 DCount 行)使用新图片数据正确更新数据库。
起初,我以为是网络故障之类的,但后来我读到 426 错误具体是一个 Office 自动化问题,所以我希望我们很快会再次看到它。
您需要使用 DCount
With AppAccess
.OpenCurrentDatabase sPath
For i = 1 To LastCaptionRow
'error in next line
dbImageCount = .DCount("[SortOrder]", STblName, "[CatalogNum] = '" & CatalogNum & "' AND [LotNum] = '" & LotNum & "'") 'get current image count in DB for catNum/LotNum combo
While dbImageCount < LastCaptionRow 'adds record to picture table when required
dbImageCount = dbImageCount + 1
.DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO " & STblName & " (CatalogNum, LotNum, SortOrder) VALUES ('" & CatalogNum & "','" & LotNum & "','" & dbImageCount & "');"
With .DoCmd
.SetWarnings False
.RunSQL "UPDATE " & STblName & " SET PicPath='" & Range("E" & i) & "' Where [CatalogNum]='" & CatalogNum & "' and [SortOrder]='" & i & "' and [LotNum]='" & LotNum & "';"
.RunSQL "UPDATE " & STblName & " SET FullCaption='" & Range("D" & i) & "' Where [CatalogNum]='" & CatalogNum & "' and [SortOrder]='" & i & "' and [LotNum]='" & LotNum & "';"
.SetWarnings True
End With
Next i
End With