将 Project Webcenter Portal Framework 应用程序从 JDeveloper11g 迁移到 JDeveloper 12c

Migration of Project Webcenter Portal Framework Application from JDeveloper11g to JDeveloper 12c

我决定将我现有的 JDeveloper 升级到新版本

如上标题所述,我发现我的项目在新的 JDeveloper 中 运行 出现问题。我发现一些旧版本中使用的库不能被引用。 例如。 WebCenter 虚拟内容存储库、Webcenter 页面服务、WebCenter Collaboration Common 等

此外,根据我在 oracle 中的发现,指出“WebCenter Portal Framework 在 WebCenter Portal 12c 版本中不可用。

任何人都可以建议我应该如何使用新的 JDeveloper 来处理我的项目。任何建议将不胜感激

我已经从Oracle官方支持那里得到了答复。结论是,使用最新的 JDveloper 12c

继续开发现有的 Webcenter Portal Framework 应用程序是不可行的


I understand your purpose is to use Jdev 11g to continue develop your portal framework application and do incremental deployment to WCP 12c. However, this is not feasible. The migrating path provided is for migrated old portal framwork application to 12c in only 1 time. not incremental upgrade. If you need to update to portal framework application and you do it from Jdev 11g, you have to repreat the steps, that means you have to upgrade 11g portal to 12c portal again.

In summary, there are no way to use Jdev 11g to CONTINUE develop a portal app and deploy to WCP 12c, If you want to continue add new assets/content to your migrated app,I think you can use Jdev 12c to create WebCenter Portal Asset application. reference: https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12212/wcp/develop/GUID-D013EB98-A5BB-47A1-8931-A808F7806049.htm#JPSDG15334