如何显式声明某个 Phaser 类型的变量?

How can I explicitly declare a variable of some Phaser type?

我正在尝试使用 Phaser with Brunch and TypeScript using samme's brunch-phaser2 骨架,但我 运行 变成了 TypeError:

$ git clone https://github.com/samme/brunch-phaser2.git --branch typescript
$ cd brunch-phaser2
$ npm install
$ npm run start

> a-phaser-game@0.0.1 start /home/sam/github/samme/brunch-phaser2
> brunch watch --server

13:49:11 - info: application started on http://localhost:3333/
13:49:12 - error: Compiling of app/initialize.ts failed. TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
Stack trace was suppressed. Run with `LOGGY_STACKS=1` to see the trace. 
13:49:12 - info: compiled 5 files into 2 files, copied 3 in 1.5 sec

当我向我的 game 变量添加显式类型时,my Phaser experimention repo 中出现了一个略有不同的 TypeError

$ git clone https://github.com/samestep/phaser-nonsense.git --branch type-error
$ cd phaser-nonsense
$ npm install
$ npm run start

> @ start /home/sam/github/samestep/phaser-nonsense
> brunch watch --server

13:56:42 - info: application started on http://localhost:3333/
13:56:42 - error: Compiling of app/initialize.ts failed. Error: Error 2503: Cannot find namespace 'Phaser'. (Line: 3, Col: 13)
Stack trace was suppressed. Run with `LOGGY_STACKS=1` to see the trace. 
13:56:42 - info: compiled 2 files into vendor.js, copied index.html in 1.3 sec


const game: Phaser.Game = new Phaser.Game({});


const game = new Phaser.Game({});

TypeError 消失了。

为什么这个显式类型声明会导致 TypeError 发生,如何在不删除显式类型声明的情况下解决错误?

B运行ch TypeScript 插件不支持引用的正确解析 (documentation)。他们的建议是将 plugins: { brunchTypescript: { ignoreErrors: true } } 添加到您的 brunch-config.js 并单独添加 运行 tsc --noEmit -p . 以检查错误。