如何将 TabLayout 与 Recyclerview 同步?

How to sync TabLayout with Recyclerview?

我有一个 TabLayoutRecyclerview,因此当单击选项卡时 Recyclerview 会滚动到特定位置。 我也想要相反的过程,以便当 Recyclerview 滚动到特定位置时突出显示特定选项卡。

例如:如果 TabLayout 中有 4 个选项卡,当 Recyclerview 滚动到第 5 个位置(项目可见且低于 TabLayout)时,应突出显示第 3 个选项卡。

此处,当 'How it works' 出现在 TabLayout 下方时,应突出显示标签 'How it works'。



  1. ScrollListener 添加到您的 RecyclerView
  2. 比找到您的 RecyclerView
  3. 的第一个可见项目
  4. 根据您 RecyclerView
  5. 的位置在 TabLayout 中设置 select 选项卡


    myRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {
        public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
            super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);

            int itemPosition=linearLayoutManager.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();

            if(itemPosition==0){ //  item position of uses
                TabLayout.Tab tab = myTabLayout.getTabAt(Index);
            }else if(itemPosition==1){//  item position of side effects 
                TabLayout.Tab tab = myTabLayout.getTabAt(Index);
            }else if(itemPosition==2){//  item position of how it works
                TabLayout.Tab tab = myTabLayout.getTabAt(Index);
            }else if(itemPosition==3){//  item position of precaution 
                TabLayout.Tab tab = myTabLayout.getTabAt(Index);


public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    RecyclerView myRecyclerView;
    TabLayout myTabLayout;
    LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager;
    ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
    DataAdapter adapter;
    private boolean isUserScrolling = false;
    private boolean isListGoingUp = true;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        myTabLayout = findViewById(R.id.myTabLayout);

        myRecyclerView = findViewById(R.id.myRecyclerView);
        linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);

        for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) {
            arrayList.add("Item " + i);

        adapter= new DataAdapter(this,arrayList);

        myTabLayout.addOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener() {
            public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {
                isUserScrolling = false ;
                int position = tab.getPosition();
                }else if(position==1){
                }else if(position==2){
                }else if(position==3){

            public void onTabUnselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {


            public void onTabReselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {

        myRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {

            public void onScrollStateChanged(RecyclerView recyclerView, int newState) {
                if (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING) {
                    isUserScrolling = true;
                    if (isListGoingUp) {
                        //my recycler view is actually inverted so I have to write this condition instead
                        if (linearLayoutManager.findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() + 1 == arrayList.size()) {
                            Handler handler = new Handler();
                            handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                                public void run() {
                                    if (isListGoingUp) {
                                        if (linearLayoutManager.findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() + 1 == arrayList.size()) {
                                            Toast.makeText(MyActivity.this, "exeute something", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                            }, 50);
                            //waiting for 50ms because when scrolling down from top, the variable isListGoingUp is still true until the onScrolled method is executed

            public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
                super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);

                int itemPosition = linearLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition();

                    if (itemPosition == 0) { //  item position of uses
                        TabLayout.Tab tab = myTabLayout.getTabAt(0);
                    } else if (itemPosition == 30) {//  item position of side effects
                        TabLayout.Tab tab = myTabLayout.getTabAt(1);
                    } else if (itemPosition == 60) {//  item position of how it works
                        TabLayout.Tab tab = myTabLayout.getTabAt(2);
                    } else if (itemPosition == 90) {//  item position of precaution
                        TabLayout.Tab tab = myTabLayout.getTabAt(3);



private fun syncTabWithRecyclerView() {

        // Move recylerview to the position selected by user
        menutablayout.addOnTabSelectedListener(object : TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener {
            override fun onTabSelected(tab: TabLayout.Tab) {
                if (!isUserScrolling) {
                    val position = tab.position
                    linearLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, 0)


            override fun onTabUnselected(tab: TabLayout.Tab) {


            override fun onTabReselected(tab: TabLayout.Tab) {

        // Detect recyclerview position and select tab respectively.
        menuRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {

            override fun onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView: RecyclerView, newState: Int) {
                if (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING) {
                    isUserScrolling = true
                }  else if (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) 
                    isUserScrolling = false

            override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) {
                super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy)
                if (isUserScrolling) {
                    var itemPosition = 0
                    if (dy > 0) {
                      // scrolling up
                       itemPosition = linearLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition()
                    } else {
                      // scrolling down
                       itemPosition = linearLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition()
                    val tab = menutablayout.getTabAt(itemPosition)

我想你甚至不需要这些标志,它足以覆盖 RecyclerView 的 onScrolled 和 select 选项卡并滚动到选项卡 selected 并且该选项卡尚未编辑时的位置select编辑:

override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) {
     val llm = recyclerView.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager

     // depending on sections'heights one may want to add more logic 
     // on how to determine which section to scroll to
     val firstCompletePos = llm.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition()

     if (firstCompletePos != tabLayout.selectedTabPosition)

然后我有一个 TextView,它被设置为 tabLayout 的 customView:

tabLayout.addTab(newTab().also { tab ->
         tab.customView = AppCompatTextView(context).apply {
             // set layout params match_parent, so the entire section is clickable
             // set style, gravity, text etc.
             setOnClickListener { 

                recyclerView.apply {
                    val scrollTo = tabLayout.selectedTabPosition


  1. Tab select 当用户滚动和滑动时
  2. 当用户单击选项卡时,RecyclerView 会滚动。

我使用了其他答案中的信息,但这里有一些代码遗漏,这使得它不完整且无法正常工作。我的解决方案 100% 无延迟。最后你可能会看到完整的屏幕照片。


private val layoutManager get() = recyclerView?.layoutManager as? LinearLayoutManager

 * [SmoothScroller] need for smooth scrolling inside [tabListener] of [recyclerView] 
 * to top border of [RecyclerView.ViewHolder].
private val smoothScroller: SmoothScroller by lazy {
    object : LinearSmoothScroller(context) {
        override fun getVerticalSnapPreference(): Int = SNAP_TO_START

 * Variable for prevent calling of [RecyclerView.OnScrollListener.onScrolled]
 * inside [scrollListener], when user click on [TabLayout.Tab] and 
 * [tabListener] was called.
 * Fake calls happens because of [tabListener] have smooth scrolling to position,
 * and when [scrollListener] catch scrolling and call [TabLayout.Tab.select].
private var isTabClicked = false

 * Variable for prevent calling of [TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener.onTabSelected]
 * inside [tabListener], when user scroll list and function 
 * [RecyclerView.OnScrollListener.onScrolled] was called inside [scrollListener].
 * Fake calls happens because [scrollListener] contains call of [TabLayout.Tab.select],
 * which in turn calling click handling inside [tabListener].
private var isScrollSelect = false

private val scrollListener = object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {

    override fun onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView: RecyclerView, newState: Int) {
         * Reset [isTabClicked] key when user start scroll list.
        if (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING) {
            isTabClicked = false

    override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) {
         * Prevent scroll handling after tab click (see inside [tabListener]).
        if (isTabClicked) return

        val commonIndex = commonIndex ?: return
        val karaokeIndex = karaokeIndex ?: return
        val socialIndex = socialIndex ?: return
        val reviewIndex = reviewIndex ?: return
        val addIndex = addIndex ?: return

        when (layoutManager?.findFirstVisibleItemPosition() ?: return) {
            in commonIndex until karaokeIndex -> selectTab(TabIndex.COMMON)
            in karaokeIndex until socialIndex -> selectTab(TabIndex.KARAOKE)
            in socialIndex until reviewIndex -> {
                 * In case if [reviewIndex] can't reach top of the list,
                 * to become first visible item. Need check [addIndex] 
                 * (last element of list) completely visible or not.
                if (layoutManager?.findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() != addIndex) {
                } else {
            in reviewIndex until addIndex -> selectTab(TabIndex.REVIEWS)

     * It's very important to skip cases when [TabLayout.Tab] is checked like current,
     * otherwise [tabLayout] will terribly lagging on [recyclerView] scroll.
    private fun selectTab(@TabIndex index: Int) {
        val tab = tabLayout?.getTabAt(index) ?: return
        if (!tab.isSelected) {
            recyclerView?.post {
                isScrollSelect = true

private val tabListener = object : TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener {
    override fun onTabSelected(tab: TabLayout.Tab?) = scrollToPosition(tab)

    override fun onTabUnselected(tab: TabLayout.Tab?) = Unit

     * If user click on tab again.
    override fun onTabReselected(tab: TabLayout.Tab?) = scrollToPosition(tab)

    private fun scrollToPosition(tab: TabLayout.Tab?) {
         * Prevent scroll to position calling from [scrollListener].
        if (isScrollSelect) {
            isScrollSelect = false

        val position = when (tab?.position) {
            TabIndex.COMMON -> commonIndex
            TabIndex.KARAOKE -> karaokeIndex
            TabIndex.CONTACTS -> socialIndex
            TabIndex.REVIEWS -> reviewIndex
            else -> null

        if (position != null) {
            isTabClicked = true

            smoothScroller.targetPosition = position

private val commonIndex get() = adapter.list.validIndexOfFirst { it is ClubScreenItem.Info }
private val karaokeIndex get() = adapter.list.validIndexOfFirst { it is ClubScreenItem.Karaoke }
private val socialIndex get() = adapter.list.validIndexOfFirst { it is ClubScreenItem.Social }
private val reviewIndex get() = adapter.list.validIndexOfFirst { it is ClubScreenItem.ReviewHeader }
private val addIndex get() = adapter.list.validIndexOfFirst { it is ClubScreenItem.AddReview }


private const val ND_INDEX = -1

fun <T> List<T>.validIndexOfFirst(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int? {
    return indexOfFirst(predicate).takeIf { it != ND_INDEX }

TabIndex class 按位置获取标签:

@IntDef(TabIndex.COMMON, TabIndex.KARAOKE, TabIndex.CONTACTS, TabIndex.REVIEWS)
private annotation class TabIndex {
    companion object {
        const val COMMON = 0
        const val KARAOKE = 1
        const val CONTACTS = 2
        const val REVIEWS = 3

这就是我的样子 ClubScreenItem:

sealed class ClubScreenItem {
    class Info(val data: ClubItem): ClubScreenItem()
    class Karaoke(...): ClubScreenItem()
    class Social(...): ClubScreenItem()
    class ReviewHeader(...): ClubScreenItem()
    object AddReview : ClubScreenItem()




  1. 检测 RecyclerView 滚动状态
  2. 使用findFirstVisibleItemPosition()到return第一个可见视图的适配器位置
  3. 根据 RecyclerView 项目位置更改选项卡
  4. 完成
 private fun syncTabWithRecyclerView() {
        var isUserScrolling = false
        val layoutManager = binding.recyclerViewGroup.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager

        val tabListener = object : TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener {
                override fun onTabSelected(tab: TabLayout.Tab?) {
                    val tabPosition = tab?.position
                    if (tabPosition != null) {
                        // prevent RecyclerView to snap to its item start position while user scrolling,
                        // idk how to explain this XD
                        if (!isUserScrolling){
                            layoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(tabPosition, 0)
                override fun onTabUnselected(tab: TabLayout.Tab?) {}
                override fun onTabReselected(tab: TabLayout.Tab?) {}


        // Detect recyclerview scroll state
        val onScrollListener = object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {
            override fun onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView: RecyclerView, newState: Int) {
                if (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING) {
                    isUserScrolling = true
                } else if (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
                    isUserScrolling = false

            // this just represent my tab name using enum class ,
            // and ordinal is just the index of its position in enum
            val hardcase3D = CaseType.HARDCASE_3D.ordinal
            val softcaseBlackmatte = CaseType.SOFTCASE_BLACKMATTE.ordinal
            val softcaseTransparent = CaseType.SOFTCASE_TRANSPARENT.ordinal

            override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) {
                super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy)
                if (isUserScrolling) {
                    when (layoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition()) {
                        in hardcase3D until softcaseBlackmatte -> {
                        in softcaseBlackmatte until softcaseTransparent -> {
                        softcaseTransparent -> {


viewModel ,你可以简单地使用 liveData 如果你想要

private var _tabPosition = MutableStateFlow(CaseType.HARDCASE_3D)
    val tabPostition : StateFlow<CaseType>
        get() = _tabPosition

 fun setTabPosition(position: Int){
        _tabPosition.value = CaseType.values()[position]


lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
            viewModel.tabPostition.collect { caseType ->
                val positionIndex = CaseType.values().indexOf(caseType)

和 handleSelectedTab

private fun handleSelectedTab(index: Int) {
       val tab = binding.tabLayout.getTabAt(index)


enum class CaseType(val caseTypeName:String) {
    HARDCASE_3D("Hardcase 3D"),
    SOFTCASE_BLACKMATTE("Softcase Blackmatte"),
    SOFTCASE_TRANSPARENT("Softcase Transparent")