如何在 Python 中对 H2O 启用 GPU 加速?

How to enable GPU accelration on H2O in Python?

我正在尝试使用 Python 和 H2O 在我的 AWS 服务器上训练深度学习神经网络,我想启用 GPU 加速来加速训练。请让我知道使用 GPU 而不是 CPU 的代码片段。 AWS 使用 OpenGL。弹性 GPU 类型为 eg1.xlarge,内存为 4 GB。


nn = H2OGridSearch(model=H2ODeepLearningEstimator,
                               hyper_params = {
        'activation' :[ "Rectifier","Tanh","Maxout","RectifierWithDropout","TanhWithDropout","MaxoutWithDropout"],
        'hidden':[[20,20],[50,50],[30,30,30],[25,25,25,25]],            ## small network, runs faster
#        'rate' :[0.0005,0.001,0.0015,0.002,0.0025,0.003,0.0035,0.0040,0.0045,0.005],

start_time = time.time()

        train1_x, train1_y,train1,
        score_validation_samples = 10000,      ## sample the validation dataset (faster)
        stopping_rounds = 2,
        stopping_metric ="MSE", ## alternatives: "MSE","logloss","r2"
        stopping_tolerance = 0.01,
        max_w2 = 10
end_time = time.time()

H2O-3 仅 cpu 启用,如果您对 运行 启用 GPU 的 H2O.ai 产品感兴趣,请参阅 H2O4GPU 或 Driverless AI(注意:后者是闭源的)