VS 2015 中是否会有通用应用程序的 TypeScript 模板?

Will there be a TypeScript template for Universal Apps in VS 2015?

我刚刚安装了 VS 2015 用于开发 Windows 通用应用程序。我在 C# 和 JavaScript 下看到了此类项目的模板,但在 TypeScript 下却没有。我们应该在不久的将来期待一个吗?也许是 Visual Studio 2015 的 RTM 版本?

截至 2014 年,关于此的官方说法是:

TypeScript isn’t officially supported for doing Universal App projects, yet. But you might be able to cobble together some experience, but there will be gaps as we fill them out. It’s possible that debugging doesn’t quite work correctly for .jsproj, which is what I believe the Universal Apps would use.

将我们带到 TypeScript issue for Universal Apps,它正在等待提案。
