Javascript 事件处理程序 - 为什么这样做有效?

Javascript Event handler - why did this work?

我是 javascript 的新手,您可以从下面的代码中看出这一点。我想为页面上的 6 个按钮创建一个事件处理程序。单击按钮时,按钮下方代码块的显示属性从 "none" 更改为 "block"。为此,我需要将每个按钮与 html 的一个部分相关联(在本例中为具有唯一 ID 的标签 - pt1、pt2 等)。


var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("CSS");

for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
    // Generate strings associated with the button ids and the event handlers for each button
    var buttonID = "button" + i;
    var clickHandlerID = "clickHandler" + i;
    var buttonEH = document.getElementById(buttonID);
    // Identify the button elements by id

    // As clickHandlerID is a string, to get the browser to recognise it as a function name
    var clickHandler = window[clickHandlerID];

    buttonEH.addEventListener("click", clickHandler, false);


// Why does this work?
// clickHandler1, clickHandler2, etc are not referenced in my event handler.
// My botched attempt to create them in the event handler (var clickHandler = window[clickHandlerID];)
// resulted in "undefined" values (from console.log(clickHandler)).
// Yet it worked?!?! (I did eventually find the correct approach, a simple 10 line solution,
// but I am troubled that I don't understand what is going on here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!)


function clickHandler1 () {
    if ( === "block") { = "none";
    } else { = "block";

function clickHandler2 () {
    if ( === "block") { = "none";
    } else { = "block";

var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("CSS");

for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
    // Generate strings associated with the button ids and the event handlers for each button
    var buttonID = "button" + i;
    var clickHandlerID = "clickHandler" + i;
    var buttonEH = document.getElementById(buttonID);
    // Identify the button elements by id

    // As clickHandlerID is a string, to get the browser to recognise it as a function name
    var clickHandler = window[clickHandlerID];

    buttonEH.addEventListener("click", clickHandler, false);


// Why does this work?
// clickHandler1, clickHandler2, etc are not referenced in my event handler.
// My botched attempt to create them in the event handler (var clickHandler = window[clickHandlerID];)
// resulted in "undefined" values (from console.log(clickHandler)).
// Yet it worked?!?! (I did eventually find the correct approach, a simple 10 line solution,
// but I am troubled that I don't understand what is going on here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!)


function clickHandler0 () {
    if ( === "block") { = "none";
    } else { = "block";
function clickHandler1 () {
    if ( === "block") { = "none";
    } else { = "block";

function clickHandler2 () {
    if ( === "block") { = "none";
    } else { = "block";
#pt0, #pt1, #pt2, #pt3 {
    display: none;
<button id="button0" class="CSS">button 1</button>
<button id="button1" class="CSS">button 2</button>
<button id="button2" class="CSS">button 3</button>

<div id="pt0">PT1</div>
<div id="pt1">PT2</div>
<div id="pt2">PT3</div>

在顶级范围内定义的所有函数和变量都成为 window 对象的属性。所以 window['clickHandler1'] 等价于 clickHandler1。您的代码:

var clickhandler = window[clickHandlerID];

clickHandlerID 设置为 "clickHandler1""clickHandler2" 等字符串时