
In Kotlin, is it possible to use a variable to call a method or property?

简而言之,我有一个变量告诉我我需要在对象上修改哪个 属性,但不能将那个 属性 称为变量。

data class MyDataClass(var one: String, var two: Int)

fun doSomething() {
    myData = MyDataClass("first", 2)

    val propertyImInterestedIn = "one"

    myData.{propertyImInterestedIn} = "second" // How do I do this?

    assertEquals("second", myData.one)

您可以使用 Kotlin 反射 API 来做到这一点,特别是 bound callable references

val propertyImInterestedIn = myData::one

请注意,您需要将 kotlin-reflect 添加为项目的依赖项。


// by referencing KProperty directly (compile-time safety, does not require kotlin-reflect.jar)
val myData = MyDataClass("first", 2)
val prop = myData::one

// by reflection (executed at runtime - not safe, requires kotlin-reflect.jar)
val myData2 = MyDataClass("first", 2)
val reflectProp = myData::class.memberProperties.find { it.name == "one" }
if(reflectProp is KMutableProperty<*>) {
    reflectProp.setter.call(myData2, "second")