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我正在设计一个 AMP 页面。我无法使菜单中的文本 Perfect Imprints 居中并与汉堡包图标位于同一行。 我似乎只能让它居中,但在一条单独的线上 - 要么 - 让它在同一行左对齐。



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    <h1 class="h1">Foam Fingers</h1>
        Custom foam fingers and hands are great spirit items to cheer on your sports team. 
        Choose from our large assortment of various shaped foam hands and foam finger cheering 
        accessories to show your school spirit. These foam fingers and foam hands are great for 
        booster club fundraising. Whether you choose a giant foam finger, or a foam claw or 
        talon, these custom foam cheering fingers will really help generate team spirit. These 
        imprinted foam hands can be personalized with your custom mascot and make great spirit 
        items to sell to the crowd.
    <div class="product" style="padding-top: 1em;">
        <a class="wrapper-link" href="https://www.perfectimprints.com/custom-promos/20417/Foam-Fingers.html">
            alt="Foam Finger Test"
            <h3 class="product-name text-centered">
                12" #1 Foam Deluxe Hand
            <h4 class="text-centered sku margin-minus-1">#PI-109-1606</h4>
            <p class="text-centered price">As low as: <strong>.82</strong></p>
    <div class="product" style="padding-top: 1em;">
        <a class="wrapper-link" href="https://www.perfectimprints.com/custom-promos/20417/Foam-Fingers.html">
            alt="Foam Finger Test"
            <h3 class="product-name text-centered">
                12" #1 Foam Deluxe Hand
            <h4 class="text-centered sku margin-minus-1">#PI-109-1606</h4>
            <p class="text-centered price">As low as: <strong>.82</strong></p>
    <h2 class="h2">Foam Fingers Are #1</h2>
        A cheap #1 foam finger can make a great for giveaway while the giant foam fingers are great 
        for selling to the fans. If you want to raise some funds for your booster club or your school, 
        selling custom printed foam fingers is a great fundraiser. Choose from dozens of different 
        foam hands or even foam claws to best match your school mascot. If you can't find the shape 
        you want, we can create a customized shape for you with a minimum order as low as 250 pieces. 
        If you plan on selling foam fingers for fundraising, be sure to check out our Guide for 
        <a target="_blank" href="https://www.perfectimprints.com/blog/custom-foam-fingers/amp">Buying Custom Foam Fingers</a>.



您的 class site-name--container width: 100%; 导致您的文本跳转到下一行。如果您将该部分的宽度设置为 auto,您的文本 Perfect Imprints 将位于同一行。


.headerbar {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

显示 flex 是为了用内容填充您的 headerbaralign-items: center 是为了让您的内容在 flex 框中垂直对齐。

在您的 .headerbar class -

中添加一些 CSS 属性
.headerbar {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;