使用 uft 创建 QC 资源

Create QC Resource with uft

我找到了很多关于通过 UFT 将资源上传到 ALM 的示例。 但是,始终有一个已在 ALM 中创建的资源。 我如何使用 UFT 创建资源并将其上传到 ALM? 我的问题是我不知道我需要多少资源,所以我必须动态创建资源然后上传它们。 我不想将文件作为附件上传到 运行。



Sub CreateNewResource(resourceFolderId As Integer, fileType As String, fileName As String, fileParentFolderPath As String)

    On Error GoTo Errhandler:

    '--- Represents a file or folder stored in the Quality Center repository
    Dim resource As QCResource
    '--- Represents a QC resource folder.
    Dim resourceFolder As QCResourceFolder
    '--- Services for managing QC resources.
    Dim resourceFactory As QCResourceFactory
    '--- Services for managing QC resource folders.
    Dim resourceFolderFactory As QCResourceFolderFactory
    '--- Services to manage resource storage.
    Dim testResourceStorage As IResourceStorage
    Dim resourceItem
    Dim resourceFound As Boolean

    ' ***TDConn is TDConnection class object.Create this object before using this function.
    Set resourceFolderFactory = TDConn.QCResourceFolderFactory
    Set resourceFolder = resourceFolderFactory.Item(resourceFolderId)
    Set resourceFactory = resourceFolder.QCResourceFactory
    Set currResourceList = resourceFactory.NewList("")

    For ItemCount = 1 To currResourceList.Count
        currItem = currResourceList.Item(ItemCount).Name
        If UCase(currItem) = UCase(fileName) Then
            Set resourceItem = currResourceList.Item(ItemCount)
            resourceFound = True
            Exit For
        End If

   If Not resourceFound Then
        '--- Create a resource
        Set resourceItem = resourceFactory.AddItem(fileName)
        resourceItem.ResourceType = fileType
        resourceItem.fileName = fileName

        '--- Check if the resources added successfully
        Set currResourceList = resourceFactory.NewList("")
        For ItemCount = 1 To currResourceList.Count
            currItem = currResourceList.Item(ItemCount).Name
            If UCase(currItem) = UCase(fileName) Then
                resourceFound = True
                Exit For
            End If

        If resourceFound Then
            '--- Attach the file to resource
            resourceItem.vC.CheckOut ""
            Set testResourceStorage = resourceItem
            testResourceStorage.UploadResource fileParentFolderPath, False
            resourceItem.vC.CheckIn "Automated check-in by utility" & Now
             oFile.WriteLine ("Recently added new resource not found on ALM.Try again later.")
             Exit Sub
        End If
        resourceItem.vC.CheckOut ""
        Set testResourceStorage = resourceItem
        testResourceStorage.UploadResource fileParentFolderPath, False
        resourceItem.vC.CheckIn "Automated check-in by utility" & Now
    End If

    Set resourceFolderFactory = Nothing
    Set resourceFolder = Nothing
    Set resourceFactory = Nothing
    Set currResourceList = Nothing

    Exit Sub

   MsgBox("Error Executing - `CreateNewResource`  ; Error Uploading file " & fileName)
   Exit Sub
End Sub