SSD 性能参数 - 延迟与 IOPS?

SSD performance parameters - latency vs IOPS?

最常用的 SSD 性能指标据说是:吞吐量 (MBps)、IOPS 和延迟 (ms)。我对后两者有点困惑,因为:

(从这里获取定义: 因此,如果延迟定义了 I/O 操作的处理持续时间,我会天真地得出结论 IOPS = 1/延迟(至少对于深度队列 = 1)。但事实显然并非如此。那么这里有什么区别呢? 我知道 SSD 受益于大队列深度(并发 I/O 操作的数量),但即使这些操作是并发的,每秒 I/O 操作的总数也会与 I/O 延迟,不是吗?


In order to maintain IOPS performance storage systems need enough pending requests for data be available (in a queue) so that the latencies of a few individual requests don’t adversely impact the overall IOPS performance of the system. When queue depths are low, latency becomes a larger determinant of storage performance and in flash based storage systems, low (or no) queue depth is a common occurrence.

While adequate transaction queues are required to realize SSD performance, large queue depths can actually mask latency in the short run. Essentially, the system can process a large number of transactions per second from the queue (high IOPS) but still take a relatively long time to complete those transactions (long latency). So, in the short-term IOPS may look good, even though the system’s ability to improve performance in the long-term is poor. For these reasons, latency is often a more important metric than IOPS for measuring SSD system performance.

总结:延迟会影响 IOPS,但不会以一致的方式影响。因此,它被视为 SSD 的另一种衡量标准,仅次于 IOPS。