如何通过 HTTP 代理使用 Python Sentry SDK (raven-python)

How to use the Python Sentry SDK (raven-python) with a HTTP proxy

我有一个网络应用程序,它使用 raven-python SDK for Sentry 进行错误报告。我希望该 SDK 的出站请求通过 HTTP 代理。


您可以使用替代方法Transport such as the requests one. With the requests transport you can use environment variables to set the proxy: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#proxies


from raven.transport.threaded_requests import ThreadedRequestsHTTPTransport

Client('...', transport=ThreadedRequestsHTTPTransport)

在您的环境中,设置 HTTPS_PROXY=https://localhost:9090 或类似的设置。