W3C 验证器说 'feed does not validate' 'url must be a full URL'... 有什么问题吗?

W3C validator says 'feed does not validate' 'url must be a full URL'... whats wrong with it?

正在验证我的提要,它有一个 URL 为




我看过 URL 上的 RFC,但看不懂(!)。

This feed does not validate.
line 441, column 2: url must be a full URL: https://archive.org/download/NigelFarageAPersonalMessageToNorthernIrelandVoters./Nigel%20Farage,%20a%20personal%20message%20to%20Northern%20Ireland%20voters..mp3 (4 occurrences) [help]
  <enclosure type="audio/mpeg" url="https://archive.org/download/NigelFarage ...

** 编辑 **

添加(并删除了...)一个有用(即使不正确)的答案显示了 w3c URL 验证器的结果 - https://validator.w3.org/checklink

This Link Checker looks for issues in links, anchors and referenced objects in a Web page, CSS style sheet, or recursively on a whole Web site. For best results, it is recommended to first ensure that the documents checked use Valid (X)HTML Markup and CSS. The Link Checker is part of the W3C's validators and Quality Web tools.

如果您找到这个问题,您可能会发现 link 检查器是一个有用的资源!

问题似乎是它是 HTTPS URL 而不是 HTTP URL。

链接的错误文档 foo attribute of bar must be a full URL 说:

If this is a link to a web page, you must include the "http://" at the beginning and immediately follow it with a valid domain name.

RSS 2.0 spec says about <enclosure>:

The url must be an http url.

如果将 https://archive.org/download/… 更改为 http://archive.org/download/…,它会生效。

如果您没有 HTTPS,那么您的 SSL 表示您的网页不安全。 #feedvalidator 加强。在此处的支持论坛 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/feedvalidator-users

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