如何在 polymer3 的模板中嵌入 html 代码(如 unsafeHTML)

how to embed html code in template in polymer3 (like unsafeHTML)

please check the plunker

static get template() {
   return html`
     <p>This content is from ChildClass.</p>
     <p>Hello again from ChildClass.</p>
     <p style='color:red'>[[partHtml]] <==== this should be 'hello'</p>
 get partHtml()
   return "<span>hello</span>";

我希望 partHtml 像普通 HTML 一样注入到模板中。

我知道 unsafe HTML in lit-element 可以做到,但是 lit-element 就是不能用 super.render() 东西,不像 polymer-element 那样方便

如何使用 inner-h-t-m-l 属性

static get template() {
   return html`
     <p>This content is from ChildClass.</p>
     <p>Hello again from ChildClass.</p>
     <p style='color:red' inner-h-t-m-l="[[partHtml]]"></p>
 get partHtml()
   return "<span>hello</span>";


static get template() {
  return html`
   <p>This content is from ChildClass.</p>
   <p>Hello again from ChildClass.</p>
   <p style='color:red'>${this.partHtml}</p>
static get partHtml() {
  return html`<span>hello</span>`;

Test on Plnkr

终于在调试调用栈的时候找到了答案。 只需使用 htmlLiteral,关键代码如下

import {PolymerElement, html} from 'https://unpkg.com/@polymer/polymer@3.0.5/polymer-element.js'
import {htmlLiteral} from 'https://unpkg.com/@polymer/polymer@3.0.5/lib/utils/html-tag.js'


  static get template() {
      return html`<p style='color:red'>${this.partHtml} <==== this should be 'hello'</p>`;  
  static get partHtml()
    return htmlLiteral `<span>hello</span>` ;