rake db:seed 验证失败

Validation failed on rake db:seed

我正在学习 hartle 教程的第 12 章。当我 运行 bundle exec rake db:seed 我得到这个错误:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Email has already been taken


rake db:reset
rake db:migrate
rake db:test:prepare


rake db:populate 

但他们并没有解决问题。当我 运行 rake db:populate 它给出:

Don't know how to build task 'db:populate'

这是我的 seeds.rb 文件:

    # Users
User.create!(name:  "Example User",
             email: "example@railstutorial.org",
             password:              "foobar",
             password_confirmation: "foobar",
             admin:     true,
             activated: true,
             activated_at: Time.zone.now)

99.times do |n|
  name  = Faker::Name.name
  email = "example-#{n+1}@railstutorial.org"
  password = "password"
  User.create!(name: name,
              email: email,
              password:              password,
              password_confirmation: password,
              activated: true,
              activated_at: Time.zone.now)

# Microposts
users = User.order(:created_at).take(6)
50.times do
  content = Faker::Lorem.sentence(5)
  users.each { |user| user.microposts.create!(content: content) }

# Following relationships
users = User.all
user  = users.first
following = users[2..50]
followers = users[3..40]
following.each { |followed| user.follow(followed) }
followers.each { |follower| follower.follow(user) }

我想问题可能出在这一行 email = "example-#{n+1}@railstutorial.org"



email = "example-#{rand(100000)}@railstutorial.org"


user = User.new(name:  "Example User",
         email: "example@railstutorial.org",
         password:              "foobar",
         password_confirmation: "foobar",
         admin:     true,
         activated: true,
         activated_at: Time.zone.now)
user.save if user.valid

您的 Gemfile 中是否同时安装了 faker 和 populator?这很可能是问题的一部分。确保你有 运行:

gem install populator #From the command line

并将其包含在您的 Gemfile 中:

gem 'populator'

这是 Git 回购 https://github.com/ryanb/populator/tree/master

的 link


I'm doing chapter 12 of hartle's tutorial. When I ran bundle exec rake db:seed I got this error:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Email has already been taken

当您 运行 rake db:reset 时,它会为您播种数据库。当您然后 运行 rake db:seed 时,将抛出异常,因为您在 seeds.rb 文件中使用 create!。与 create 不同,create! 在验证失败时引发异常。

您可以通过 运行ning rake db:reset 进行检查,然后使用 rails console 检查您的数据库条目。


When I run rake db:populate it gives:

Don't know how to build task 'db:populate'



你的问题是 rake db:reset 不仅删除并重新创建数据库,而且 it also migrates and seeds it as well。所以基本上发生的事情是这样的:

rake db:drop
rake db:create
rake db:schema:load # (think of this as running all the migrations you've run before)
rake db:seed # (creates your 100 database users)

然后你 运行:

rake db:migrate # (likely unnecessary, but it causes no harm)
rake db:test:prepare # (prepares the test database)
rake db:prepare # (runs the seeds AGAIN and causes your errors)

显然,如果您只是停止 运行 rake db:prepare 命令,您的问题就会消失。然而,为了避免将来发生这些事情,我强烈建议在你的种子文件中加入一些逻辑。它只是 Ruby,因此您可以将 User 创建的内容包装在 unless 语句中,例如:

unless User.find_by( email: "example@railstutorial.org" )
  # create all 100 users

如果您的生产站点仍在使用种子数据(例如 SiteSetting table),这将证明特别有价值;您需要确保数据进入您的生产数据库,但您将创建重复记录(或错误)运行再次使用种子而不丢弃。

作为您问题答案的附加参考,请参阅 this one 的选定答案。
