Rapidjson 迭代并获取复杂 JSON 对象成员的值

Rapidjson Iterating over and Getting Values of Complex JSON Object Members

我有以下 JSON 个对象

               "sFileType":"Zonal Data 1",
               "sFileType":"Record File",
               "sFileType":"Record File 1",
               "sFileType":"Matrix File 1",
               "sFileType":"Matrix File 2",
               "sFileType":"Record File 1",

如何迭代访问 "inFiles" 中对象的 x1?或者一般来说,如何使用 rapidjson 访问存储在子数组和子对象中的值。这是我目前所拥有的

const Value& prog = document["prog"];


for (rapidjson::Value::ConstValueIterator itr = prog.Begin(); itr != prog.End(); ++itr) {



这是一种迭代每个数组内的子数组的方法。使用 ranged-for 循环而不是迭代器。

rapidjson::Document doc;
doc.Parse(str); //the one shown in the question

for (auto const& p : doc["prog"].GetArray()) {
    std::cout << p["iUniqueID"].GetInt() << std::endl;
    for (auto const& in : p["inFiles"].GetArray()) {
        std::cout << in["sFileType"].GetString() << std::endl;
        std::cout << in["pos"]["x1"].GetInt() << std::endl;



const Value& prog = d["prog"];
for (Value::ConstValueIterator p = prog.Begin(); p != prog.End(); ++p) {
    std:cout << (*p)["iUniqueID"].GetInt();
    const Value& inFiles = (*p)["inFiles"];
    for (Value::ConstValueIterator inFile = inFiles.Begin(); inFile != prog.End(); ++inFile) {
        std::cout << (*inFile)["sFileType"].GetString() << std::endl;
        std::cout << (*inFile)["pos"]["x1"].GetInt() << std::endl;

post here 帮了大忙。