
Trouble with destructor using


*** Error in `./arraylist.o': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0xb71ab360 ***
./test_arraylist.sh: line 2:   513 Aborted                 ./arraylist.o


#include <iostream>
#include "jppsys.h"

namespace jpparl {
    template <class T> class ArrayList {
            T *array;
            int step;
            long totalSize;
            long usedSize = 0;
            ArrayList(long step) {
                this->step = step;
                totalSize = step;
                array = new T[step];
                std::cout << "\nCreate " << array << "\n";

            ArrayList() {
                this->step = 8;
                totalSize = step;
                array = new T[step];
                std::cout << "\nCreate " << array << "\n";

            ArrayList(const ArrayList &arraylist) {
                step = arraylist.step;
                totalSize = arraylist.totalSize;
                usedSize = arraylist.usedSize;
                array = new T[totalSize];
                std::copy(arraylist.array, arraylist.array + totalSize, array);
                std::cout << "\nCopy " << array << "\n";

            ~ArrayList() {
                std::cout << "\nDelete " << array << "\n";
                // delete[] array;
                // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error here

            void add(T elem, long index) {
                if (usedSize == totalSize) totalSize += step;

                T *tmp = new T[totalSize];
                std::copy(array, array + index, tmp);
                std::copy(array + index, array + index + usedSize, tmp + index + 1);
                delete[] array;
                tmp[index] = elem;
                array = tmp;


            void remove(long index) {
                if (usedSize == totalSize - step) totalSize -= step;
                T *tmp = new T[totalSize];
                std::copy(array, array + index, tmp);
                std::copy(array + index + 1, array + usedSize, tmp + index);
                delete[] array;
                array = tmp;


            T get(long index) {
                return array[index];

            long size() {
                return usedSize;

            long getTotalSize() {
                return totalSize;


using namespace jpparl;
using namespace std;
int main() {
    ArrayList<ArrayList<int>> al(1);
    ArrayList<int> al2(1);
    cout << "\nAdding 256\n";
    al2.add(256,0); // al2.get(0) - 256
    cout << "\nAdding al2\n";
    al.add(al2, 0); // adds copy of a2, al.get(0) - copy of.a2
    cout << "\nRemoving 256\n";
    al2.remove(0); // removes 256 from al2, not from a1
    cout << al2.get(0) << " - must be 0      " << al.get(0).get(0) << "     - must be 256\n";
    cout << al2.size() << " - must be 0     " << al.get(0).size() << "     - must be 1\n";



Create 0xb86d4f30

Create 0xb86d4f18

Create 0xb86d5360

Adding 256

Adding al2

Copy 0xb86d5360

Create 0xb86d53a0

Delete 0xb86d4f30

Delete 0xb86d5360

Removing 256
0 - must be 0
Copy 0xb86d5370
256     - must be 256

Delete 0xb86d5370
0 - must be 0
Copy 0xb86d53d8
1      - must be 1

Delete 0xb86d53d8

Delete 0xb86d53c8

Delete 0xb86d5388


Create 0xb71aaf30

Create 0xb71aaf18

Create 0xb71ab360

Adding 256

Adding al2

Copy 0xb71ab360

Create 0xb71ab3a0

Delete 0xb71aaf30

Delete 0xb71ab360

Removing 256
0 - must be 0
Copy 0xb71ab370
0     - must be 256

Delete 0xb71ab370
0 - must be 0
Copy 0xb71ab370
1     - must be 1

Delete 0xb71ab370

Delete 0xb71ab360

Delete 0xb71ab388

Delete 0xb71ab360
*** Error in `./arraylist.o': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0xb71ab360 ***
./test_arraylist.sh: line 2:   513 Aborted                 ./arraylist.o


正如Neil Butterworth所说,我需要添加一个赋值运算符。

#include <iostream>

namespace jpparl {
    template <class T> class ArrayList {
            T *array;
            int step;
            long totalSize;
            long usedSize = 0;

            void copy(const ArrayList &arraylist) {
                step = arraylist.step;
                totalSize = arraylist.totalSize;
                usedSize = arraylist.usedSize;
                array = new T[totalSize];
                std::copy(arraylist.array, arraylist.array + totalSize, array);
                std::cout << "\nCopy " << array << "\n";

            ArrayList(long step) {
                this->step = step;
                totalSize = step;
                array = new T[step];
                std::cout << "\nCreate " << array << "\n";

            ArrayList() {
                this->step = 8;
                totalSize = step;
                array = new T[step];
                std::cout << "\nCreate " << array << "\n";

            ArrayList(const ArrayList &arraylist) {

            ~ArrayList() {
                std::cout << "\nDelete " << array << "\n";
                delete[] array;

            ArrayList& operator = (const ArrayList &arraylist) {

            void add(T elem, long index) {
                if (usedSize == totalSize) totalSize += step;

                T *tmp = new T[totalSize];
                std::copy(array, array + index, tmp);
                std::copy(array + index, array + index + usedSize, tmp + index + 1);
                delete[] array;
                tmp[index] = elem;
                array = tmp;


            void remove(long index) {
                if (usedSize == totalSize - step) totalSize -= step;
                T *tmp = new T[totalSize];
                std::copy(array, array + index, tmp);
                std::copy(array + index + 1, array + usedSize, tmp + index);
                delete[] array;
                array = tmp;


            T get(long index) {
                return array[index];

            long size() {
                return usedSize;

            long getTotalSize() {
                return totalSize;


using namespace jpparl;
using namespace std;
int main() {
    ArrayList<ArrayList<int>> al(1);
    ArrayList<int> al2(1);
    cout << "\nAdding 256\n";
    al2.add(256,0); // al2.get(0) - 256
    cout << "\nAdding al2\n";
    al.add(al2, 0); // adds copy of a2, al.get(0) - copy of.a2
    cout << "\nRemoving 256\n";
    al2.remove(0); // removes 256 from al2, not from a1
    cout << al2.get(0) << " - must be 0      " << al.get(0).get(0) << "     - must be 256\n";
    cout << al2.size() << " - must be 0     " << al.get(0).size() << "     - must be 1\n";


al.add(al2, 0);

al2是浅拷贝,意思是两个对象共享同一个buffer。然后它被删除两次。一次是在传递给 add 方法的临时对象被销毁之后,一次是在主函数结束时。

你的 class 不遵循 Rule of 3,这基本上表明如果 class 需要实现复制构造函数、复制赋值运算符或析构函数,它可能需要实现所有这三个(C++11 通过添加移动构造函数和移动赋值运算符引入移动语义,从而制定 5 规则)。

你的 class 有一个复制构造函数和一个析构函数,但它缺少一个复制赋值运算符,当复制本身是你的 [=33= 实例的元素时,std::copy() 会调用它].您的 class 还缺少移动构造函数和移动赋值运算符,因为您使用的是 C++11(通过虚拟初始化 usedSize 成员的方式)。

此外,您的 add()remove() 方法也没有正确管理数组。无需在每次 add/remove 操作时重新分配数组。这违背了 step 会员的全部目的。仅在实际需要时重新分配(growing/shrinking 超出当前 step)。

在这种情况下最好的选择是简单地使用 std::vector 而不是手动数组,例如:

#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include "jppsys.h"

namespace jpparl {
    template <class T>
    class ArrayList {
        std::vector<T> array;

        void add(const T &elem) {

        void add(const T &elem, long index) {
            array.insert(array.begin()+index, std::move(elem));

        void remove(long index) {

        T get(long index) {
            return array[index];

        long size() {
            return array.size();

        long getTotalSize() {
            return array.capacity();

如果这不是您的选择,如果您必须使用手动数组,那么您应该在复制数组时使用 copy-swap idiom,例如:

#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "jppsys.h"

namespace jpparl {
    template <class T>
    class ArrayList {
        T *array;
        int step;
        long totalSize;
        long usedSize = 0;

        ArrayList(long step = 8) {
            this->step = step;
            totalSize = step;
            array = new T[totalSize];

        ArrayList(const ArrayList &src) {
            step = src.step;
            totalSize = src.totalSize;
            usedSize = src.usedSize;
            array = new T[totalSize];
            std::copy(src.array, src.array + usedSize, array);

        ArrayList(ArrayList &&src) {
            step = src.step;
            totalSize = 0;
            usedSize = 0;
            array = nullptr;

        ~ArrayList() {
            delete[] array;

        ArrayList& operator=(const ArrayList &rhs) {
            if (&rhs != this)
            return *this;

        ArrayList& operator=(ArrayList &&rhs) {
            return *this;

        void swap(ArrayList &other) {
            std::swap(step, other.step);
            std::swap(totalSize, other.totalSize);
            std::swap(usedSize, other.usedSize);
            std::swap(array, other.array);

        void add(const T &elem, long index = -1) {
            if (index == -1) index = usedSize;
            if (usedSize == totalSize) {
                ArrayList tmp(totalSize + step);
                std::copy(array, array + usedSize, tmp.array);
                std::swap(array, tmp.array);
                totalSize = tmp.totalSize;
            std::copy_backward(array + index, array + index + (usedSize - index), array + usedSize + 1);
            array[index] = elem;

        void remove(long index) {
            std::copy(array + index + 1, array + usedSize, array + index);
            if ((usedSize == (totalSize - step)) && (totalSize > step)) {
                ArrayList tmp(totalSize - step);
                std::copy(array, array + usedSize, tmp.array);
                std::swap(array, tmp.array);
                totalSize = tmp.totalSize;

        T get(long index) {
            return array[index];

        long size() {
            return usedSize;

        long getTotalSize() {
            return totalSize;