有没有办法获取当前列和行索引对,其中矩形在带有 for 循环等的统一网格上单击?
Is there a way to get current column and row index pair of where rectangle is clicked on a uniform grid with for loop, etc.?
namespace ConwayGameofLife
public partial class GameController : Window
public int row;
public int col;
public SolidColorBrush brush;
public Rectangle[,] rectangle;
public GridCell cell;
public string[,] cellPosition;
public int cellColumn;
public int cellRow;
public GameController()
brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
private void GridSlider_Button(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
row = (int)gridSlider.Value;
col = (int)gridSlider.Value;
resizeGrid.DataContext = gridSlider;
private void BuildGrid_Button(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
gameUniformGrid.Rows = row;
gameUniformGrid.Columns = col;
rectangle = new Rectangle[row, col];
for (int x = 0; x < row; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < col; y++)
rectangle[y, x] = new Rectangle { Stroke = Brushes.Black, Fill = brush };
gameUniformGrid.Children.Add(rectangle[y, x]);
//for (int i = 0; i < rectangle.Length; i++)
// rectangle[i] = new Rectangle { Stroke = Brushes.Black, Fill = brush };
// gameUniformGrid.Children.Add(rectangle[i]);
在 ToggleGrid 函数中,我想将 cellColumn 和 cellRow 变量设置为单击的矩形在统一网格上的列和行的值,并能够使用它们的索引值更改矩形的颜色变量。我对解决此问题的方法进行了一些研究,但找不到任何有用的东西。
private void ToggleGrid(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) //changes color
if (e.OriginalSource is Shape s)
cellColumn = (int)GetBoundingBox(s, gameUniformGrid).X;
cellRow = (int)GetBoundingBox(s, gameUniformGrid).Y;
rectangle[cellColumn, cellRow].Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
//s.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
//cellPosition[y, x] = "Dead";
MessageBox.Show($"Column Clicked: {cellColumn}, Row Clicked: {cellRow}");
private static Rect GetBoundingBox(FrameworkElement element, FrameworkElement parent)
GeneralTransform transform = element.TransformToAncestor(parent);
Point topLeft = transform.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
Point bottomRight = transform.Transform(new Point(element.ActualWidth, element.ActualHeight));
return new Rect(topLeft, bottomRight);
虽然矩形被放置在 UniformGrid 中,但可以为它们分配 Grid.Row 和 Grid.Column 属性:
rectangle[x, y] = new Rectangle { Stroke = Brushes.Black, Fill = brush };
rectangle[x, y].SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, x);
rectangle[x, y].SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, y);
gameUniformGrid.Children.Add(rectangle[x, y]);
if (e.OriginalSource is Shape s)
cellColumn = (int)s.GetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty);
cellRow = (int)s.GetValue(Grid.RowProperty);
rectangle[cellRow, cellColumn].Fill = Brushes.Green;
namespace ConwayGameofLife
public partial class GameController : Window
public int row;
public int col;
public SolidColorBrush brush;
public Rectangle[,] rectangle;
public GridCell cell;
public string[,] cellPosition;
public int cellColumn;
public int cellRow;
public GameController()
brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
private void GridSlider_Button(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
row = (int)gridSlider.Value;
col = (int)gridSlider.Value;
resizeGrid.DataContext = gridSlider;
private void BuildGrid_Button(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
gameUniformGrid.Rows = row;
gameUniformGrid.Columns = col;
rectangle = new Rectangle[row, col];
for (int x = 0; x < row; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < col; y++)
rectangle[y, x] = new Rectangle { Stroke = Brushes.Black, Fill = brush };
gameUniformGrid.Children.Add(rectangle[y, x]);
//for (int i = 0; i < rectangle.Length; i++)
// rectangle[i] = new Rectangle { Stroke = Brushes.Black, Fill = brush };
// gameUniformGrid.Children.Add(rectangle[i]);
在 ToggleGrid 函数中,我想将 cellColumn 和 cellRow 变量设置为单击的矩形在统一网格上的列和行的值,并能够使用它们的索引值更改矩形的颜色变量。我对解决此问题的方法进行了一些研究,但找不到任何有用的东西。
private void ToggleGrid(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) //changes color
if (e.OriginalSource is Shape s)
cellColumn = (int)GetBoundingBox(s, gameUniformGrid).X;
cellRow = (int)GetBoundingBox(s, gameUniformGrid).Y;
rectangle[cellColumn, cellRow].Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
//s.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
//cellPosition[y, x] = "Dead";
MessageBox.Show($"Column Clicked: {cellColumn}, Row Clicked: {cellRow}");
private static Rect GetBoundingBox(FrameworkElement element, FrameworkElement parent)
GeneralTransform transform = element.TransformToAncestor(parent);
Point topLeft = transform.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
Point bottomRight = transform.Transform(new Point(element.ActualWidth, element.ActualHeight));
return new Rect(topLeft, bottomRight);
虽然矩形被放置在 UniformGrid 中,但可以为它们分配 Grid.Row 和 Grid.Column 属性:
rectangle[x, y] = new Rectangle { Stroke = Brushes.Black, Fill = brush };
rectangle[x, y].SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, x);
rectangle[x, y].SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, y);
gameUniformGrid.Children.Add(rectangle[x, y]);
if (e.OriginalSource is Shape s)
cellColumn = (int)s.GetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty);
cellRow = (int)s.GetValue(Grid.RowProperty);
rectangle[cellRow, cellColumn].Fill = Brushes.Green;